Moodle Authentication Figures

Re: Moodle Authentication Figures

- Katherine Davies の投稿
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The reason why I'm interested to know is that while Moodle is a global information environment as a platform and in principle (i.e accessible from any location with an internet connection), that it is not necessarily globally accessible to all users e.g. if sites are requiring authentication through LDAP etc. then there are restrictions are in place that make it 'less' accessible. 

While I'm aware that a lot of this comes down to sites being run by universities and that as a result of this they aren't going to make teaching material free when they are simultaneously charging students, and also restrictions on copyright across countries. 

Background: I'm writing an essay on “The prospect of a paperless, global information environment arriving is about as likely as that of the paperless office – thank goodness!” Do you agree? Discuss the technical and social considerations and constraints on both the feasibility and desirability of such a scenario. Present evidence both for and against this assertion, and argue your own point of view. 

- I hope this helps shed some light