Gapfill Question Type V1.6 is now available

Gapfill Question Type V1.6 is now available

Marcus Green -
Кількість відповідей: 0
Фото Core developers Фото Particularly helpful Moodlers Фото Plugin developers Фото Testers

I have just uploaded version 1.6 of my Gapfill question type to the Moodle plugins database

If you are new to it, it is a very easy to use gap fill question type. This version has one bug fix, a tweak and a new feature. The new feature comes into effect  when a quiz has display right answer set in the review settings. If a user enters an incorrect answer, on marking the correct answer will displayed in delimiters next to it. Here is a screen shot.

Gapfill with feedback for an incorrect response

Thanks to Gordon McLeod of Glasgow University for inspiring this feature.

Detailed release notes are here

Середня оцінка:Useful (1)