A big problem with posts- may people cannot reply, only a few

A big problem with posts- may people cannot reply, only a few

از Jhershierra jelsma در
Number of replies: 1

I have redone the forums a dozen different ways, separate, visable...nothing works - here is my problem.  I have currently 17 students  viewing one class... I have about 21 classes they can take.  These students are listed inside this first class. The forums are set "right  now" to visable. 

1)     The problem is some students  who read the posts in the forum cannot POST...they only have a "parent and vote"  option....there is no way for them to reply to the post.  They are enrolled, they are listed in the students under that class. 

2)    The next problem is similar. Some students HAVE posted in the forum and others were able to respond but the original person who POSTED is UNABLE to respond to THEIR OWN POSTS....all they see are the " parent and vote" buttons.

I have tried everything!   I had them all in a group,  that didnt work, I deleted the group.  I had the class listed as "separate"  that didnt work, I forced separate  that didnt work, I did visable that didnt work....nothing works.

Next month I will have a new group of people which will start this first class while the others move on to the next class.....and so it goes for every month.

I cannot get the forums to WORK.... some people can post, while others cannot post, some who post...cant reply to their own posts....ITS A NITEMARE PLEASE HELP

Thanks to anyone who helps


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In reply to Jhershierra jelsma

Re: A big problem with posts- may people cannot reply, only a few

از Steve Hyndman در

Sounds very familiar to problems I had months ago when I tried to use groups in my classes. I finally gave up on the groups idea and just created separate discussion forums and told students which forum to use.

If you disable the groups feature (delete any groups you have created and set your course group mode to "No groups" does this fix the problem? Based on my experience, you may even have to delete the forums and create new ones. If so, my advice would be to forget setting up Moodle groups and create separate discussion forums.
