Viewing all responses in Questionnaire (v2.6)

Viewing all responses in Questionnaire (v2.6)

von Carolyn O'Brien -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

Hi - apologies if this question has already been asked and answered but I wonder if anyone can give me some advice about a questionnaire activity I am trying to incorporate into my course.

Basically, I am asking my participants to indicate on a list of tests which ones they use in their veterinary practice to investigate cases with skin problems. I then ask them to compare their answers to those of their fellow participants. I have indicated that students can view "All responses" after they have answered the questionnaire (which only consists of one question). The problem is that when I log in as a student, I can only see a single response (mine) rather than the whole class (obviously I can see all the responses when I am logged in as a teacher).

I'd like to use this as a tool to prompt a discussion, but obviously it is useless if they can only see their own response.

Please help!



Als Antwort auf Carolyn O'Brien

Re: Viewing all responses in Questionnaire (v2.6)

von AL Rachels -
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Hi Carolyn,

It appears to me, that by default, even though there is a setting to allow students to view "All responses" after they have answered the questionnaire, the permissions for that capability are not actually set. I see the same problem in Moodle 2.7 and 2.8.

To turn it on, click on the questionnaire, then under Administration > Questionnaire administration click on Permissions. Scroll down until you find "Read response summaries, subject to open times" and see if student is listed along with Non-editing teacher, Teacher, and Manager. If student is not listed, click the plus to bring up an Allow role: setting and change the Select role to Student, then click allow.



Als Antwort auf AL Rachels

Re: Viewing all responses in Questionnaire (v2.6)

von Carolyn O'Brien -

Thanks Al, all sorted. Another thing though, any ideas how to get rid of the percentage bars? I've asked the participants to tick all of the check boxes that apply to them, thus the percentages are a bit meaningless. Any idea how I can modify or remove them or are they just an inbuilt component of the questionnaire?
