Setting more question grade values

Setting more question grade values

- Chad Sines の投稿
返信数: 2

One of my instructors is wanting to grade a question at 85%; however, the options are very odd. They seem to have no rhyme or reason (see attached file). Where can I go to add the 85% option. 90% would be above passing minimum and 83.33% would mean they failed it.

What she is doing is giving them 85% (passing) for attempts that are incorrect as a participation assignment. These are homework assignments that are tricky to grade with Moodle, hence the participation component.

添付 grade.png
Chad Sines への返信

Re: Setting more question grade values

- Tim Hunt の投稿
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There is, in fact, a logic to the choices offered:

The only way to change the choices available is to edit that section of code.

(Be warned that if you do, you may get problems if you try to export questions from your Moodle site, and import them into somebody else's. This may not be a problem for you.)

Tim Hunt への返信

Re: Setting more question grade values

- Chad Sines の投稿

I see the logic now that I read the text. 

Thank you for your help. You have made my teacher very happy and now she will leave me alone...for a while.