Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by Doug Moody -
Number of replies: 7

I use version 2.6

My students can copy and paste text in their journals, but they cannot paste any graphics. The graphics that I ask them to paste comes from a popup window I created in Moodle, so they are copying and pasting from moodle windows. The original graphic is a JPEG.

When they paste, the editing window SHOWS that the graphic was pasted, but as soon as they save, the only thing remaining in their journal is the text, but the graphic has disappeared.

Additionally, I found out that neither the "insert/edit image" button or the "insert moodle media" button will allow them to insert a graphic (unless of course the graphic has a URL link to a web graphic)

Can anyone give me some guidance here? It just isn't working and I don't know why!


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In reply to Doug Moody

Re: Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by dawn alderson -

Sounds daft......but how about Gif?  I prefer that file to like to make a lot of noise/work with the latter- otherwise. Could be wrong of course.

cheers, smile


In reply to Doug Moody

Re: Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by AL Rachels -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

Hi Doug,

To the best of my knowledge, the journal module does not allow any kind of upload which is why the "Find or Upload and image..." and "Find or upload a sound, video or applet..." links are missing and also why Justin's PoodLL Anywhere buttons do not show up when you are editing a Journal entry.

Also, gif's do not work either.

In reply to AL Rachels

Re: Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by Doug Moody -


If that is true, then why does the journal allow inserting of image URL's? I would think that if it is allowing THAT option, then it ought to allow pasting of images directly from a location. After all, the net result is the same, so whoever used the logic to decide that journals should not allow pasting of graphics is not being consistent with that restriction.

How could I petition that this option be turned on? In my opinion, this is not logical and should be fixed.

In reply to Doug Moody

Re: Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by AL Rachels -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

Hi Doug,

With my poor memory I am not sure if this is totally correct, but at one time, about the only way  you could put graphics in Moodle, especially with students accounts, was using the URL and linking to the actual graphic file method. The journal was available back then, and if I remember correctly, was dropped in the move to Moodle 2.x and then eventually, revived with just the minimum work to get it to work with Moodle 2.x, which left it with the old graphics capability. It was originally dropped because it is so similar to an online text assignment.

You could write directly to the maintainer and ask about having it modified to include graphics capability like everything else.

Personally, I had not used the journal module for a while, so I tried using it for a couple of writing assignments this year. It made me have to do quite a bit of extra work because I was forced to provide feedback by typing comments. I am used to using rubrics and audio for feedback which is much faster and easier for me than typing. I am going to drop the journal next year in favor of the regular file upload assignment with students submitting their writing as a PDF. In the just finished QA testing for Moodle 2.7, I did the test for checking that teachers could mark on PDF submissions with just about any browser and discovered that with my MS Surface Pro, it was almost like going back to editing with a red pen on paper. Works almost as well with my Samsung Note 10 inch tablet. The surface is a little better because when using the pen, it will ignore your hand resting on the glass.

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In reply to AL Rachels

Re: Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by David Monllaó -


Good reply Al, I'm maintaining mod_journal and, as you said, I'm just updating the code to "make it work", so the journal module is not making use of moodle's repositories / file areas system as it was introduced later in 2.0, the paste URL and hack HTML alternative works perfectly; although I don't discard adding this feature, which I consider a basic feature of any text-editor field, during these next months; I also like to dedicate some hours and clean the code.

In reply to Doug Moody

Re: Can't Paste Graphics in a Journal

by Justin Hunt -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

The HTML editor is very probably set to not allow "attachments." In that case the files can't be stored in the draft files area. That is why URLs still work, because they don't need to be stored in moodle and via the draft files area for the HTML editor. PoodLL Anywhere and the Moodle Media etc icons on the TinyMCE editor deliberately disable functionality in this situation.

You will also see this behaviour elsewhere in Moodle, eg in the response section of the essay question type and in the database activity when creating a template.

Why this is the case here, I don't know. Possibly a decision was made to encourage text only replies. If that is all, then adding an option somewhere in the settings to enable attachments would be a good idea.