Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Bertold Altaner -
Anzahl Antworten: 34
after updating to 1.5+ with release from 2005-06-18,
no forum Posts are displayed!
After copying the old mod/forum/lib.php in the updated moodle everything works...

There must be the problem:
diff -rB /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/forum/mod/forum/lib.php /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/forum-neu/mod/forum/lib.php
< <?php  // $Id: lib.php,v 1.381.2.1 2005/06/14 15:50:13 defacer Exp $
> <?php  // $Id: lib.php,v 1.381.2.2 2005/06/16 03:11:51 mjollnir_ Exp $
<                               FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
<                                    {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
<                                    {$CFG->prefix}user u
>                               FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d
>                               JOIN {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p ON p.discussion = d.id
>                               JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user u ON p.userid = u.id
<                                AND p.discussion = d.id
<                                AND p.userid = u.id $groupselect $userselect
>                                    $groupselect $userselect

Als Antwort auf Bertold Altaner

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Bertold Altaner -
today, i made another 1.5+ update.
My problems are still the same!
With new mod/forum/lib.php no forum-articles are shown!
Am I the only one who has this problem?

Als Antwort auf Bertold Altaner

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Peter Birdsall -


We have 2 problems with the update. Our intranet runs on version 1.4.2 dev something. We updated to version 1.4.5+ to make sure we had the latest 4 stable version. No problem. All intact. Then we upgraded to 1.5 and the following 2 things were apparently wrong:

1 all forum posts are missing, except for the ones to be shown on the front page. (If you hit "more discussions" you get an empty screen with "no forum posts"). If you say show 2 articles on the front page, then these are shown ok. If you say show 10, these are also shown. The forum posts for all the courses are in the database, just not shown.

Bug2 is that courses listed in categories are not shown if these had descriptions shown in their listing (in the previous version). If you "switch editing on" then they are shown!

We run on Postgres 7.4, and have replicated this a number of times, of course running test upgrades on other servers.

I am not the technical guy here, just the manager. Our database / php colleague will follow this bug thread!

Als Antwort auf Bertold Altaner

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Pim Koeman -

Hi Bertold/Martin/All,

We have the same problem on postgres 7.4.8. The problem is not the database but a wrong query.

I might have the solution for your problem, when looking closely you see the SQL generated is wrong : (i turned on adodb debug to see this)

SELECT p.id, p.subject, p.modified, p.discussion, p.userid, d.name as myname, d.timemodified, d.usermodified, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture , um.firstname AS umfirstname, um.lastname AS umlastname FROM , moodle_forum_discussions d, moodle_forum_posts p, moodle_user u LEFT JOIN moodle_user um on (d.usermodified = um.id) WHERE d.forum = '1' AND p.discussion = d.id AND p.parent = 0 AND p.userid = u.id ORDER BY d.timemodified DESC

The Bit ....moodle_user u LEFT JOIN moodle_user um on (d.usermodified = um.id) .... makes no sense at all. The join link field should allways be in one of the two tables joined: (SELECT a.x, b.y, c.z FROM a, b LEFT JOIN c (b.some_id = c.some_id)

The solution is : (Moodle people please watch this)

Exchange the moodle_forum_discussions d and the moodle_user u  in the from clause in the file mod/forum/lib.php

The new working SQL command generated is

SELECT p.id, p.subject, p.modified, p.discussion, p.userid, d.name as myname, d.timemodified, d.usermodified, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture , um.firstname AS umfirstname, um.lastname AS umlastname FROM moodle_user u, moodle_forum_posts p moodle_forum_discussions d LEFT JOIN moodle_user um on (d.usermodified = um.id) WHERE d.forum = '1' AND p.discussion = d.id AND p.parent = 0 AND p.userid = u.id ORDER BY d.timemodified DESC

BTW: As a database expert i strongly dissagree with using fieldnames like "name" and "id"

BTW2: In setup.php you turn off all error reporting prior to database connection routines. I think this is not good practice, problems like the above will not be noticed this way.

Kind Regards,

Pim Koeman, Database Expert

Wittenborg University, The Netherlands

Als Antwort auf Pim Koeman

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
You're right that swapping the order of tables would probably fix it, I will add your comment to the bug report, and look at it as time allows (we do have a temporary fix in CVS now)

> BTW: As a database expert i strongly dissagree with using fieldnames like "name"
> and "id"

I'm interesting in hearing your reasoning behind this statement.

Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Pim Koeman -

>> BTW: As a database expert i strongly dissagree with using fieldnames like "name"
>> and "id"

>I'm interesting in hearing your reasoning behind this statement.

Hi Penny,

Thanks for your action, i will explain my point;

When designing a table i allways try to stick to a standard naming convention
for example:

- allways use a prefix or a schema (if supported)
- a table's name is always the plural of the entity
- the primary key fieldname always contains the name of the entity followed by _id
- never use reserved words for any of the databases you want to use
- try to avoid shorting names as much as possible (if you do document them !(like apples_no (for number of apples etc.))
- use '_' between all name parts (birth_date, payed_amount, student_number)

Using a naming convention is harder (more typing, being consistent)
but serves two purposes :
- Making your database more readable and maintainable for other people
- Helps you staying out of trouble in all dialects of SQL
(the bug reported is an example of this)
- Saves time in the end, since you can "guess" most of the key/fieldnames without looking them up

So when i would design a table to store student information for my "adm" system a table look like this



Without a naming convention it could look like this



? So why not call the key field just "ID" and the name field just "Name" ?

Because these fieldnames are reserved words in postgres SQL
examples : the adm_student.name means the "name" of the table in PostgreSQL not the name of the student

Using ID as a fieldname can also be very hard to identify in large SQL statements with a lot of JOINS

? Why use all lowercase separated by "_" ?

Allthough Mysql and Postgres support case in table- and fieldnames is not recommended, if you would ever migrate to Oracle or DB2 you'll be running into problems. (these DBMS's only support caseless names (mostly displayed as uppercase) to use the undersquore is just personal preference, dash is also fine, but less common.


is a good read on how to make valid sql for all kinds of databases, the excellent Adodb library is used for moodle, so no problem using for moodle code.

Als Antwort auf Pim Koeman

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Morgan Benton -
I'm using Moode v1.5.3+. Forums were working fine, then today my IT department upgraded MySQL to v5.0.18 and my forums discussions disappeard as described above.

I put Moodle into Debug mode and got the following information:

Unknown column 'd.usermodified' in 'on clause'

SELECT p.id,p.subject,p.modified,p.discussion,p.userid, d.name, d.timemodified, d.usermodified, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture , um.firstname AS umfirstname, um.lastname AS umlastname FROM forum_discussions d, forum_posts p, user u LEFT JOIN user um on (d.usermodified = um.id) WHERE d.forum = '3' AND p.discussion = d.id AND p.parent = 0 AND p.userid = u.id ORDER BY d.timemodified DESC

There is a thread in the MySQL bug discussion list that discusses the syntax of this type of query:


Queries of the form:

SELECT * FROM t1, t2 LEFT JOIN t3 on (t1.a = t3.c)

Are expected to give Error 1054:

Unknown column 't1.a' in 'on clause'

Because the LEFT JOIN clause has a higher order of precedence than the comma. The way to fix this syntax error is to add parentheses as follows:

SELECT * FROM (t1, t2) LEFT JOIN t3 on (t1.a = t3.c)

Hence the earlier query becomes:

SELECT p.id,p.subject,p.modified,p.discussion,p.userid, d.name, d.timemodified, d.usermodified, d.groupid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture , um.firstname AS umfirstname, um.lastname AS umlastname FROM (forum_discussions d, forum_posts p, user u) LEFT JOIN user um on (d.usermodified = um.id) WHERE d.forum = '3' AND p.discussion = d.id AND p.parent = 0 AND p.userid = u.id ORDER BY d.timemodified DESC

To fix this in the source code you need to modify the file: /moodle/mod/forum/lib.php starting at line 1296 to add in the parentheses in the query for MySQL.

Hope this helps someone!


Als Antwort auf Morgan Benton

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Sue O. -
Morgan you seem to have a fix but because I'm a newbe can you give me the steps it would take to implement your fix.

Moodle 1.5.3+
PHP Version 5.1.2
MySQL 5.0.18
Apache 2.0
Als Antwort auf Sue O.

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Morgan Benton -
Hi Sue,

You have to modify the Moodle source code. Find and open the file:


On line 1294 you should see some code that looks like:

return get_records_sql("SELECT $postdata, d.name, d.timemodified, d.usermodified, d.groupid,
u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture $umfields
FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE d.forum = '$forum'
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND p.parent = 0
AND p.userid = u.id $groupselect $userselect
ORDER BY $forumsort $limit");

You need to add in parentheses as follows:

return get_records_sql("SELECT $postdata, d.name, d.timemodified, d.usermodified, d.groupid,
u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture $umfields
FROM ({$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,
{$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,
{$CFG->prefix}user u )
WHERE d.forum = '$forum'
AND p.discussion = d.id
AND p.parent = 0
AND p.userid = u.id $groupselect $userselect
ORDER BY $forumsort $limit");

Then save the file and upload it.  I hope this helps!

Als Antwort auf Morgan Benton

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Sue O. -
Thank you! Thank you!

It sure did help...

I have it up and running!

sue big grin
Als Antwort auf Bertold Altaner

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Martin Dougiamas -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Moodle HQ Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers
Penny? Can you check this out?  I filed a bug for you Bertold:  bug 3569
Als Antwort auf Martin Dougiamas

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
looking into it now
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
I can't reproduce the problem - can you give me some more info --

database type? version ? I've tested the new code on both postgres and mysql and both work fine.

Can you also tell me where you're seeing the problem? In a particular course forum? Or the site news forum? For social format?

Are there groups involved? Who are you logged in as when you can't see the posts?
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von John Rodgers -
I updated from from a 1.5 alpha.

check www.domath.ca/phpinfo.php

www.domath.ca/moodle is my trouble site.

The problem occurs when logged in as admin.  I assume its a problem for other permissions.
Als Antwort auf John Rodgers

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
I need to know what database (mysql or postgres) and what version you are using.

Also, where you see the problem - site news? a course forum? teacher forum? normal forum? groups on/off? social format?
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von John Rodgers -

mysql looks like 3.23.58 (is that really the version?)

site news isn't working and all posts are lost,

course forums are also not showing posts.

Thanks Penny
Als Antwort auf John Rodgers

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Martin Dougiamas -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Moodle HQ Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers
Older MySQL may not support the type of JOINS you added there Penny ... as of 1.5 we still need to support MySQL 3.23
Als Antwort auf Martin Dougiamas

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
I suspected it may have been an older mysql problem.

Ok, as far as I can see right now the best way is to revert my patch and put it in an
if ($CFG->dbtype == 'postgres7')

sound ok?
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Martin Dougiamas -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Moodle HQ Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers
Yep!   It's a pity because I'm sure your changes help MySQL 4 too, but we can't quite ditch MySQL 3 yet.
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Pim Koeman -

we get the following error when error reporting is turned on :

Warning: pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: column c.cost does not exist in /home/e-smith/files/ibays/extranet/html/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-postgres64.inc.php on line 723
-1: ERROR: column c.cost does not exist

         adodb_postgres7._execute(SELECT  c.id,c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.password,c.summary,c.teacher,c.cost FROM moodle_course c  WHERE c.ca..., false) % line  837, file: adodb.inc.php
      adodb_postgres7.execute(SELECT  c.id,c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.password,c.summary,c.teacher,c.cost FROM moodle_course c  WHERE c.ca...) % line  790, file: datalib.php
   get_records_sql(SELECT  c.id,c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.password,c.summary,c.teacher,c.cost FROM moodle_course c  WHERE c.ca...) % line 2120, file: datalib.php
get_courses(14, c.sortorder ASC, c.id,c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.password,c.summary,c.teacher,c.cost) % line 1326, file: lib.php
print_courses(Object:stdClass, 80%) % line  257, file: category.php

Indeed the cost column was missing, i created an empty colomn by hand and the problem was solved. Is this bug in the SQL upgrade script

Als Antwort auf Pim Koeman

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
Missing c.cost column:

Undoubtedly. please file a bug report (moodle.org/bugs) and assign it to me (mjollnir)

Or if you can't assign bugs (can't remember whether the bug tracker will let you if you're not in the list of available assignees) -- add me into the CC list.
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von John Papaioannou -
I think there is a simpler way smile, just added some more info to bug 3569.
Als Antwort auf John Papaioannou

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Martin Dougiamas -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Moodle HQ Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers
Can someone test this solution on an old MySQL?   I don't have access to any old installations anymore.  If it works it would be great!
Als Antwort auf Martin Dougiamas

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von John Rodgers -
I'll give it a whirl, but I doubt I can use cvs, just the download page.  I tried the previous build (now 18 hours old) and it didn't cure the problem. I'm not so sure the fix was in however.

Is there a way I can check the code?  Is it in the forum mod?
Als Antwort auf John Rodgers

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
I think Martin was referring to testing the query in mysql 3.23, using the solution that Jon posted in the bug tracker.

There is a temporary fix in CVS which should solve your problems, it will be available in the next build on the download page.
Als Antwort auf John Rodgers

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Bertold Altaner -
I downloaded the new (2005-06-21:04:30am GMT+1) 1.5+.
The workaround from Penny is working!
Thanks a lot for supporting our old mysql!!
Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von John Rodgers -
If it helps forum posts are present and intact in the database. 

Me and my poor old mysql.sad

Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Bertold Altaner -
problem still exists in update 1.5+ (2005-06-20,04:30am GMT+1).
In all forums I don't see any existing entry.
Database: mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.55
Als Antwort auf Bertold Altaner

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Penny Leach -
If you're tracking anonymous cvs, there is a few hour delay. It is fixed in CVS now, but try updating tomorrow.

Sorry for the panic.

Als Antwort auf Penny Leach

Re: Bug? update 1.5+ 2005-06-18 fails!!!

von Bertold Altaner -
thanks al lot!
Btw: I don't had have panic, because for me Moodle works all the time great, but we have in germany several identical servers called the "Linux Musterlösung" which provide file/print/moodle services in schools and they (could) all have the same problem...

I think we have to move to mysql 4 as soon as possible.