Gradebook randomly hiding and overriding grades?

Gradebook randomly hiding and overriding grades?

Daniel Parker-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 3

One of the instructors at my school has indicated (and I have verified) that grades are (seemingly) randomly hiding for a couple of students. These grades are primarily in assignment and forum activities. Any ideas? Is there anything the instructor could be doing to make these grade items hidden other than manually hiding each for particular students?

We are using Moodle 2.4 and MySQL 5.5.

I svar til Daniel Parker

Re: Gradebook randomly hiding and overriding grades?

Eric Strom-mit -

If any items within a category are hidden, check the Settings tab in grades and make sure that in the User Report, the setting "Hide totals if they contain hidden items" is not set to: "Hide"

Can you provide a screen capture of the categories and items or user report example (masking any identifying student data of course)?

I svar til Eric Strom

Re: Gradebook randomly hiding and overriding grades?

Daniel Parker-mit -

Thank you for your replies. Yes, it is hidden in the grader report as well. "Hide totals if they contain hidden items" is set to "Show totals excluding hidden items". The strange thing about this is that the grade items aren't hidden from all students, but in this case, only one particular student. See the screenshot below (notice "Calcium Scorecard" and "Chapter 13 Assignment" activities):