Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

by Clay Burell -
Number of replies: 6

This week 2.6 Q&A Forums have suddenly become a problem. Set to "separate groups" or "all users," "grade" selected, "scale" selected, and Activity Completion on all three options ("Do not indicate," "Students can mark," and "Conditions"), my students cannot see the "Reply" link to the Question I post.

I suspect it may be related to the recent add of the Activity Completion block, but am not sure.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have not tampered with permissions.

Input greatly appreciated. Forum search turned up nothing.

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In reply to Clay Burell

Re: Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Does #10 in the Forum FAQ help? Why can't students in separate groups reply to  forum discussion started by a teacher?

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

by Troy Challenger -

Yes....the reply button does not appear...for single simple discussion format when there are separate groups.

We have come up with a workaround for creating the equivalent of a single simple discussion for a course for meta courses...but the same idea applies to any course where you are using separate groups.

It is a bit of effort to set up...but is transparent for the students to use once set up.

Here is the how to.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CS6XidQyQOfkPwmm2AstB4oZ7U--n6k0I1Vr6FeUxF8/edit?usp=sharing

and a video we made.


In reply to Clay Burell

Re: Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

by Barbara Taylor -


Did you set a "start" or "end" date on the initial forum post?  If so, that can cause it to be hidden.  Do you have any restrict access settings?  If so, unselect them and see if that enables them to see it.  Do you start the initial post for each group?  (I wish that was easier). 


In reply to Barbara Taylor

Re: Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

by Mark Pearson -

By the way, how do you start the initial forum post per group for Q&A forum?

In reply to Mark Pearson

Re: Q&A Forum 2.6: No "Reply" link visible to students

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Go to the forum and from the groups dropdown select a group. Post to them and then go back and select a different group and post to them and so on.