TaskChain does not allow free access

Re: TaskChain does not allow free access

por Jeff Finnan -
Número de respostas: 0

Hi Gordon,

While free access is allowed after successful completion, it does not work exactly as it did before. As I write maybe it is better with this newer way, maybe not.

On your server, I set up another trial with entry and exit pages. I added a few more questions so that I could get something less than 100% and still pass. In student role after successfully completing the TaskChain and clicking on the TaskChain, I was presented with this:

When I clicked on Start new chain attempt, I was offered free access as shown below. However, this is not how it worked in the past. I then edited the settings such that there were no entry and exit pages. Back in student mode, when I clicked on the TaskChain, I was immediately presented with this free access screen:

Which is how it worked before when there were entry and exit pages.

Thinking about this a bit, to me either case is acceptable: Start new attempt with subsequent free accessws or direct to free access. However, I think it should be consistent whether with entry/exit pages or without them. I think my preference is for direct to free access as before. but that likely is because I am set in my ways.

Thanks for putting up with me,
