remove text format dropdown & set default?

remove text format dropdown & set default?

wót Michael Cohn -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

When a user on my site is filling out a textarea (e.g., in a database activity), there is a dropdown below it allowing them to select a format: HTML, moodle auto-format, plain text, or markdown.

Is there any way to remove this dropdown entirely, and have all textareas use moodle auto-format? The only settings I can find are under site administration > plugins > text editors, which lets me deactivate the rich text editor but doesn't let me change the format options for plain text areas.

(reasons I want to do this: 1. some of my users will be confused by these options; 2. on my smartphone, the dropdown takes up about 20% of the window.)

Thank you,

- Michael