Moodle Business Case.

Re: Moodle Business Case.

de PeterJaap de Bruin -
Number of replies: 0

regarding 3. and 4.:

At my school we enter moodle-year 4. Up till now we did NOT train anyone, no team-meetings, nothing top-down.
However, we see the number of interested collegues grow (total 100) from 3 to 4 to 8 and now at least 10 are using the tool.

Moodle is no goal in itself for us. Good educational processes are.
And in all circumstances that moodle just performs better than the teacher in person, or another software-program, we implement the moodle-solution.
Gradually people get used to is and it's use will grow exponentially.

At first using it mainly for diagnostic tests and providing sources, this year we have the first groups of pupils who will use moodle on a daily or at least weekly basis.