Issue adding new block

Issue adding new block

{$a->নাম} - {$a->তারিখ} দ্বারা
Number of replies: 1

Hi everyone,


I recently went through the process described in and tried to add my own custom block. after creating the first four files as the tutorial describes I tried to find my block on my moodle site. When the block's files are in the moodle directory any moodle page I try load comes up blank, when I take the block's files out of the moodle directory my site is again operational. I have tried debugging mode and nothing appears. I have also checked my apache error log, also nothing. 


Any advice?


রেটিং এর গড়: -
In reply to Shane Drower-Copley

Re: Issue adding new block

{$a->নাম} - {$a->তারিখ} দ্বারা

Have you checked debugging settings in your php config too?

After adding your block files you should be sent to /admin to install the plugin. If there are bugs / errors enabling the plugin it would normally tell you at that point.