Random users having grade record issues

Random users having grade record issues

- Andrew Bishara の投稿
返信数: 1

Hi, we are running multiple versions of moodle(screenshots are from 2.2.1).  For most every course we seem to have hit or miss grading where some people will record correctly and others will not record at all.  When I check the audit log they are viewing the course items.  I know there could be a lot of issues that could cause this but I was just  wondering if there are some simple things to check.

We can't reproduce the issues when we try locally and Iv'e read over this. 


We are using SCO/topic format for all our courses 

Any suggestions?

Thank you!


添付 audit.png
添付 course settings.png
添付 hit or miss gradebook.png
Andrew Bishara への返信

Re: Random users having grade record issues

- Paula Clough の投稿


Thank you for the screen shots.  Very helpful for imagining the possible problems.

In the grading above, it looks like specific users across the board are not getting their grades.  I would check first of all if there is anything different in there enrollment.  Also are they all being graded by the same instructor or are there different instructors assigned to specific groups.

Perhaps someone else has ideas.

Paula クール