Using 2.4 - unsubmitted attempts and non-attempt not reflected in the Gradebook

Using 2.4 - unsubmitted attempts and non-attempt not reflected in the Gradebook

gan Chet Smith -
Number of replies: 2

We're using Moodle 2.4 

Scenario 1-  Student partially completes a quiz and doesn't submit it as finished.

Scenario 2- Student makes no attempts on the quiz. 

Quiz Settings: 

Issue: In the Gradebook, we are seeing that in both Scenario 1and 2, that the grade is not recorded and is showing a dash (no grade value). This is causing an issue where the weighted mean is only calculating grades that have been recorded in the gradebook, not the partial or non-attempts, which inflates the overall score of the student. 

Note: In Scenario 1, if we select Enable on the "Time Limit" option, only then are incomplete attempts automatically submitted. In the Quiz plugin administration, there is no option to set this as a default setting. 

My thoughts are that the Time Limit should be enabled by default and that non-attempts should still be recorded in the gradebook as a 0. These would then be calculated in the gradebook. 

Is anyone else experiencing this? Have you found a way around this besides manually entering in zeros or manually submitting students partial attempts? 






In reply to Chet Smith

Re: Using 2.4 - unsubmitted attempts and non-attempt not reflected in the Gradebook

gan Tim Hunt -
Llun o Core developers Llun o Documentation writers Llun o Particularly helpful Moodlers Llun o Peer reviewers Llun o Plugin developers

It does not matter whether the quiz has a close date or a time limit in terms of automatic quiz sumissions. It should work in either case.

Note that there were bugs it the first release of Moodle 2.4. If you rely on this functionality, then you much udpate to the latest 2.4.6. Of course, you should keep up with Moodle point releases like 2.4.x anyway.


In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Using 2.4 - unsubmitted attempts and non-attempt not reflected in the Gradebook

gan Chet Smith -


Thank you for the response. We haven't upgraded since the initial release, which is the most likely cause.

Thanks again!