Writing an authentication plugin

Writing an authentication plugin

by Ryan Foster -
Number of replies: 0

I'm trying to write an authentication plugin against a version of Cosign.  I've been reading over the documentation and some code (such as auth/cas, auth/email, auth/ldap, auth/none, auth/shibboleth, lib/authlib.php), but I'm still having some trouble.

For example, in lib/authlib.php:

 * Hook for overriding behaviour of login page.
 * This method is called from login/index.php page for all enabled auth plugins.
 * @global object
 * @global object
function loginpage_hook() {
    global $frm; // can be used to override submitted login form
    global $user; // can be used to replace authenticate_user_login()

    //override if needed

How exactly can $frm be used to override submitted login form?  How exactly can $user be used to replace authenticate_user_login()?  Why would either of these be desirable?


 * Post authentication hook.
 * This method is called from authenticate_user_login() for all enabled auth plugins.
 * @param object $user user object, later used for $USER
 * @param string $username (with system magic quotes)
 * @param string $password plain text password (with system magic quotes)
function user_authenticated_hook(&$user, $username, $password) {
    //override if needed

If $user was used to replace authenticate_user_login(), would user_authenticated_hook() be called?

I wasn't sure if this would be better placed here or in the General Developer Forum.  Thanks!

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