Pre-release test of Collapsed Topics V2.5.3.3

Pre-release test of Collapsed Topics V2.5.3.3

par Gareth J Barnard,
Nombre de réponses : 3
Avatar Core developers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers

Hi all,

If you would like to test the next version of Collapsed Topics for Moodle 2.5 on a DEVELOPMENT server, then please download from: (tag subject to change).

This version...:

  1. Added: Bulb, Cloud, Eye, LED, Radio, Smiley, Square, Sun / Moon and Switch icon sets as a result of remembering about:
  2. Added instructions on how to use the toggles from a suggestion by Guido Rößling on Learn Moodle.
  3. Added setting to turn on (default) / off the instructions at the course and site default level with 'Reset' and 'Reset all' capability.
  4. Worked out how to get the reset options on the course settings page in-line in groups.

The new icon sets can be seen in the attached image.



Annexe icon_set_update_sm.png
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En réponse à Gareth J Barnard

Re: Pre-release test of Collapsed Topics V2.5.3.3

par Rick Jerz,
Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Testers

Gareth, I installed your new collapsed topics on my experimental 2.5.2+, and it looks good.

I find that with some of the new graphics (like the eye and smile), the "Set toggle all icon hover" switch set to "yes" is now more helpful.  With the "point" icon, I leave this hover switch to "no."

En réponse à Rick Jerz

Re: Pre-release test of Collapsed Topics V2.5.3.3

par Gareth J Barnard,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers

Thanks Rick, having somebody try out before release is so helpful sourire.

The eye is just adapted from the icon, but the smile is one of my own creations.  In that way they can all be GPLv3 without licensing issues.  I tried to match up as close as possible with the 'on' for open and 'off' for closed concept.

I created them because I believe in choice.  The hover is there as an option to choose what is suitable as you've discovered sourire.

The square needs fixing so will be in the final release.

Do you you have any other icons in mind?



En réponse à Gareth J Barnard

Re: Pre-release test of Collapsed Topics V2.5.3.3

par Rick Jerz,
Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Testers

Gareth, I am glad that you believe in choice, and you have done a remarkable job with the continued development of the collapsed topics add-in.

I am one who tries to keep my Moodle simple, so I prefer the "point" icons.  Yeah, I know, some people might consider these icons a little bit boring.  

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