moodle hangs

moodle hangs

von Kendall Stirrat -
Anzahl Antworten: 4

I am trying upload image files, or copy and paste an image to moodle , either on a course homepage or through a question.

It seems that if the file is too big then moodle hangs (or I get the attached response). I have to close my browser and restart for moodle to continue functioning.

This happens in firefox, explorer, and safari.

It happens on windows and mac platforms.

It seems other users do not experience the problem.

Moodle verion 2.2.4 (build 20120706)

I have attached a file that produces the problem. But it also happens when I cut and paste from pdf document.

Can anyone help?

Anhang error writing to database.png
Anhang Temperature and equilibrium.jpg
Als Antwort auf Kendall Stirrat

Re: moodle hangs

von Hanan Keren -


What is the size of the file? 

What is your upload speed?



Als Antwort auf Hanan Keren

Re: moodle hangs

von Kendall Stirrat -

Not sure of upload speed but in a high school in Australia if that helps.

File size of attached image is 65kb.

File size of 16kb is fine. Not sure of limit but somewhere between these two sizes