Moodle Mind Map

Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Rebecca Trynes
عدد الردود: 10

Hello all. Does anyone know if there is a Moodle Mind Map out there somewhere that creates a visual representation of what all the links are and where they link to? I would like this for testing purposes - so that I can work out how many pages/paths I have to test in order to make sure I haven't messed anything up and that it all looks as it should.

متوسط التقييمات: -
رداً على Rebecca Trynes

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Floyd Saner


Try these plugins. I've never used them, so I can't give a review.



رداً على Floyd Saner

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - John Gifford

Hi Rebecca

I've got the advance mindmap plugged into our Moodle and I can't honestly say it's advanced. It seems very simplistic and the ability to chain one idea from another is impossible as everything chains/links from the central concept. Not that anyone uses the mind map activity, out of 300+ courses we have only 2 are using the mindmap and one of those is the test area where I try out new content.

John Gifford

رداً على Rebecca Trynes

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Mary Legg

When I first started working in moodle, and took on the role of testing moodle, I wanted that!  Now I think it's probably covered in the QA tests (and now included in behat if you have the correct version of php).  But we have our own customisations so need to test around these.

I would love to see the mind map (and have always intended to make one but always 'too busy').

So this post is really just to say - I know exactly what you mean!

رداً على Mary Legg

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Rebecca Trynes

This is something I've started already using Freemind - but if anything already exists that would reduce my workload!

Moodle Mind Map

رداً على Rebecca Trynes

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Bob Puffer

Would you mind attaching it?  I use Freeplane and Xmind which would both read the map.  Might be useful for my faculty

رداً على Bob Puffer

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Rebecca Trynes

It's only early stages at the moment. There's not too much more than you can see in the image. Will upload when it's a bit more robust مبتسم

رداً على Bob Puffer

Re: Moodle Mind Map

بواسطة - Natalia Zyatkova

hello everybody,

i could not found the mind map here. I would be glad if there is such possibility to have it?
I'm writing my Thesis  and found only one PDF file with ERD which i also would be glad to get as Workbech file.

Does somebody knows where i can get it.

Thanks a lot