Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Karrie V -
Antal besvarelser: 8

Is there an option to keep the recent activity block ? I for one prefer it to the new view for the following reasons:

  1. It tracks in time order I may be logged on for an hour and every time I refresh the newest posts go to the bottom and I never miss anything by logging out and logging back in. With the new format in forum order it is very possible to overlook a new post since it is not in chronological order.
  2. I like to see the most recent changes by the teacher show up on the side so that I know to check those areas out first
  3. I like to see if anyone is in the chat this prompts students to log into the chat room

I do LOVE all the new features, this is just one change that I personally dont care for.

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I svar til Karrie V

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Martin Dougiamas -
Billede af Core developers Billede af Documentation writers Billede af Moodle HQ Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Plugin developers Billede af Testers
This is just me playing with the course, trying to make it cope better with the huge traffic.  Moodle itself hasn't changed.
I svar til Martin Dougiamas

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Karrie V -

I am sooooooooooo glad to hear that. I got scared when it disappeared!! I use this block ALL the time!

I svar til Martin Dougiamas

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Jens Gammelgaard -
Billede af Translators

Hi Martin!

Would it be a problem to have a feature, where resent activities actually are the most resent: So that the newest post are shown first and then descending?

Have I overseen this feature?


I svar til Jens Gammelgaard

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Gustav W Delius -
Now that blocks can have configuration options this would be easy to implement and I would like it. The way the activities are ordered currently does not work well for people who tend to remain logged on for long periods. 
I svar til Gustav W Delius

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Karrie V -
I'm glad to see I am not the only one who likes the old way better smiler
I svar til Karrie V

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Howard Miller -
Billede af Core developers Billede af Documentation writers Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Peer reviewers Billede af Plugin developers
...and when did it start showing exactly 48 hours worth of recent activity rather than since the last login? This has produced a significant number of complaints since we upgraded our production servers to 1.4.4.
I svar til Howard Miller

Re: Recent Activity Block – Please bring it back!!!

ved Martin Dougiamas -
Billede af Core developers Billede af Documentation writers Billede af Moodle HQ Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Plugin developers Billede af Testers
There's been no changes there in a long time ... 48 hours is a maximum, as I recall, otherwise, yes, it does use last login (try logging out and getting back in)