Can you help me in reconfiguring my course?

Re: Can you help me in reconfiguring my course?

oleh Ricardo Rodriguez -
Jumlah balasan: 1

Dear Leslie,

Your advices were so useful for me....Thanks very much.

Exactly, the problem was outside Moodle. The problem was with my host .  The problem was that they had some security restrictions to the host area where my moodle installation is located. So I told them about my problem and they very easily recognized that it was a problem at their side.

They did some internal changes in my hosting site and the problem was fixed very promptly.

I learnt something more managing Moodle with this experience.

Leslie, I want to thank very much for you support, time, comments and help.

You have a friend in Lima, where I am at your orders for anything you need.

All the very best for you,



Sebagai balasan Ricardo Rodriguez

Re: Can you help me in reconfiguring my course?

oleh Lesli Smith -

Oh, good.  I'm glad you figured it out. 

Happy continued Moodling!  senyum