Can Quiz be adapted to produce highy automated reporting including detailed feedback and sophisticated graphics?

Can Quiz be adapted to produce highy automated reporting including detailed feedback and sophisticated graphics?

Phil Dagap - ން
Number of replies: 1

I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right direction.

I'm looking to do two things using Quiz and wondered if anyone out there has done this.

1) Use comprehensive manipulation of Quiz answers (whether someone picks answers 1 through to 5 for a specific range of answers say) to produce context related feedback. I'm not talking about simple feedback per answer but specific feedback if they answer questions in a specific way e.g. questions 2, 5, 7, 9 all answered with 1 or 2. 


2) Feed some of these additionally manipulated outputs from answers to create tailored graphs and charts in this separate report

The idea is to produce sophisticated reports for students automtaically compiled dependent on their detailed answers which then pull out the relevant pre-written outputs and recommended reading depending on the way they answer quiz questions.

Hope that's clear and thank you for reading.

Be grateful for direction /  insight


moodle version 1.9.16

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