Does dataform allow multiple users to edit one record?

Does dataform allow multiple users to edit one record?

Paul Young -
Atsakymų skaičius: 2


Does dataform allow other users in the same group to edit one record created by its creator? Thanks!


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Atsakymas į Paul Young

Re: Does dataform allow multiple users to edit one record?

Itamar Tzadok -

This is implemented in the Dataform but has not been tested in recent builds. It should work such that the reference of entry owner is to the group, to the effect that any of the group members is identified as the owner and can add/edit the group entries. besišypsantis



Atsakymas į Itamar Tzadok

Re: Does dataform allow multiple users to edit one record?

Paul Young -

This is fantastic. Is it possible for only some but not all group members to be assigned with the priviledge? Say, team leader and secretary, but not the regular team members. Thanks!