New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Helen Foster,
Nombre de réponses : 15
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Moodle HQ Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers Avatar Testers Avatar Translators

Language is evolving and occasionally we need to come up with a new name for something. The name 'contributed plugins' is rather misleading, as it suggests that there are plugins which are not contributed; also ALL code may be considered as contributed to the Moodle project. What we are referring to is code contributed to Moodle which is not included in the standard Moodle download package.

From looking at how other projects name such code, and from discussions at the hackfest last October, we've come up with a new name for contributed plugins: Add-ons.

A summary (from Martin):

Moodle = core code + plugins

Plugins may be either standard plugins (included in the Moodle download package) or add-ons.

Thus this forum will be renamed accordingly, together with other forums for discussing add-ons.

Moyenne des évaluations Useful (2)
En réponse à Helen Foster

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Germán Valero,
Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers Avatar Testers Avatar Translators

Hi Helen,

I think this is a good change, but I wonder.

Will Moodle AMOS strings in English and documentation in English at be renamed accordingly ?

En réponse à Germán Valero

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Tim Hunt,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Peer reviewers Avatar Plugin developers

I like the change too.

In due course, everything should be updated to use the new terminology. If it appears that something has been missed, then report in in the Tracker as a MDLSITE bug, assuming that it is not there already.

En réponse à Tim Hunt

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Helen Foster,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Moodle HQ Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers Avatar Testers Avatar Translators

German and Tim, thanks for your feedback. I'm glad to hear that you approve of the change.

I've changed the name in the documentation in a few places today (Installing plugins, Add-on FAQ, Category:Contributed_code). If anyone notices it needing changing anywhere else, they're welcome to edit the wiki, or let me know if it's a lot of work or complicated to change.

En réponse à Helen Foster

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Mary Cooch,
Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Moodle HQ Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Testers Avatar Translators

"I am on the train" as they say( in a loud voice) on the way back from BETT.  I also like the term "add on"  very much. sourireI'll take a look in the docs too and see if I can spot any changes that need doing.

En réponse à Mary Cooch

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Gareth J Barnard,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers

So, to get this right sourire

A moodle 'plug-in' is a 'plug-in' because it's included in the standard download and a non standard download 'plug-in' is a 'add-on' until it becomes a part of the standard download when it becomes an 'plug-in'.  But I've been told on chat that '' will stay as '' as it says 'WELCOME to our plugins directory of add-ons for Moodle!'  but does it contain any standard download 'plug-ins'?  If not then it should be the 'add-ons' directory to avoid user confusion and ease documentation / training etc. ambiguity?

I think I like the name 'add-on' as 'plug-in' depicts something that you shove into the wall and flick a switch to turn on.  And it's more familiar to users as things they want as extras to their new product.



En réponse à Gareth J Barnard

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Aparup Banerjee,

Hi Gareth,

The issue here is that an Add-on on (at a around say moodle 2.0) can possibly become included as a standard plugin and distributed with core in a future moodle version (say moodle 2.5). 

When that happens a generic reference to the plugin across moodle version will be 'plugin' as it was add-on for some moodle versions but standard for some. They can also in future possibly be removed from the standard distribution. I think this is the reason why its still called the Plugins directory.

Hm, perhaps the welcome message could be made a simpler or clearer.

En réponse à Aparup Banerjee

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Helen Foster,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Moodle HQ Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers Avatar Testers Avatar Translators

Hi Gareth,

I have amended the plugins directory description so that it now reads:

WELCOME to our Moodle plugins directory!

A plugin may be either a standard plugin (included in the Moodle download package) or an add-on.

Is that better?

Moyenne des évaluations Useful (3)
En réponse à Helen Foster

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Tim Hunt,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Peer reviewers Avatar Plugin developers

Better, but to make it really true, someone ought to add all the standard plugins to the database.

Moyenne des évaluations Useful (2)
En réponse à Tim Hunt

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Helen Foster,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Moodle HQ Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers Avatar Testers Avatar Translators

Alternatively, we could add further explanatory text:

Standard plugins are not generally included in the plugins directory, apart from any which started life as an add-on and were then added as a standard plugin to a later version of Moodle.

(The book module is an example of this.)

En réponse à Helen Foster

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Gareth J Barnard,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers

So, using the 'Book' and 'Drag and Drop' as examples where their timeline would have been as an 'Add-on' for several releases and available in the database.  Then when it is made a part of the standard distribution it is still an 'Add-on' and the older releases are in the database.  Then a notice is placed on it's entry that since release X that it is included in the standard distribution.  An example of this happening is Davo Smith's drag and drop - - where he states "It should not be installed on a Moodle 2.3 site as it will clash with the built-in drag and drop upload.".

Therefore to avoid confusion how about renaming everything that is a plugin, standard distribution or 'contrib' to being an 'Add-on'.  Thereby keeping it simple and easy for users to remember and say 'Moodle is great as it is so intuitive' - less is more sourire

I think this solves Aparup's described situation too.  And as 'Add-ons' are listed on the 'Plugin's' adminstration menu regardless of where they came from.



En réponse à Gareth J Barnard

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Aparup Banerjee,

Thanks for highlighting the fact that its not clear if its standard or Add-on sometimes. I've created MDLSITE-2153 to look into indicating this on a plugin.

En réponse à Germán Valero

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par David Mudrák,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Documentation writers Avatar Moodle HQ Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Peer reviewers Avatar Plugin developers Avatar Plugins guardians Avatar Testers Avatar Translators
Yes, all places describing add-ons should be fixed in the English language pack. Alternatively to using the tracker, you may want to provide the fix by creating a contribution directly in AMOS. Just "translate" the string to the "English (fixes)" language.
En réponse à Germán Valero

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Guy Thomas,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Plugin developers

Add-ons sounds good to me

En réponse à Guy Thomas

Re: New name for contributed plugins: Add-ons

par Gareth J Barnard,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers

Thanks Helen sourire

Interestingly, FireFox calls them 'Add-ons' but upon installation divides them up into 'Extensions' and 'Appearance' with 'Plugins' being used to list external application additions not downloaded within FireFox but added by the other application.  Confused?  It took me a moment to figure!

Perhaps time will tell what the best terminology is and leave it to feedback from non-techy users to provide the best input sourire



Annexe ff-add-on.png