Can´t install modules

Can´t install modules

Javier Villalonga -

Hi everybody,

I am getting started using moodle, I am trying to use some modules but an error appear, what I am doing is:

Download different modules from


Then I upload it to the folder /mod


Then I go to my administrator page, and click on "update database" (on the bottom of the site)


Then this error appears:

Debug info: Missing version value in version.php
Error code: detectedbrokenplugin
Stack trace:
  • line 546 of \lib\upgradelib.php: plugin_defective_exception thrown
  • line 358 of \lib\upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins_modules()
  • line 1524 of \lib\upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
  • line 329 of \admin\index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()


The version of my moodle is 2.3.3 (Build: 20121112) (info from  moodle/version.php), and I use wamp to set the apache server, mysql and php  (local)


Can anybody help me ??


Thank you very much :D

回复Javier Villalonga

Re: Can´t install modules

Mike Churchward -
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The most likely causes are:

  1. You uploaded the wrong type of code to the directory. The link to the plug-ins you provided is for "blocks". Did you try to install a block the "/mod" directory?
  2. You uploaded a higher level directory into the "/mod" directory, rather than the root of the plug-in. Check that the "/mod" directory contains a subdirectory named after the module you installed.
  3. You incorrect file protection on your installed plug-in files.


回复Mike Churchward

Re: Can´t install modules

Javier Villalonga -

Thank you very much for the help, as you say, I tryed to install the block uploading it to /mod, but a block is not a module, now I uploaded it to blocks and it works (I didnt see /blocks directory 脸红).

Module and plugin are the same thing?


Then when I go to plugin directory, what are plugins/modules ??


All are plugins but with different type of function, then each category of plugins go in a different directory ??  for example: 

Blocks --> to blocks directory

Reports --> to reports directory

??? ---> to mod directory



Am I correct?


Sorry for the questions, some of them could be obvious for somebody who has work with moodle for a while but I am new with this tipe of cms.


Thanks everybody :D