
Re: Keywords

'mei a James Thomas - 'aho
Number of replies: 0

Hi again Joesph,

Yesteday I was editting a list of corpus names and emails - I presume the person of the same name on that list is the person I am communicating with now. If so, a different hi!

Yes, wikis and blogs and personal profiles have TAGS - whose definition often includes "key word". When you click on one, everything tagged with "classical music" for example, is shown together. You know all this. 

It seemed to me that the keywords in a Glossary should employ the same list of tags and the same system of implementing and using them - tcr and sts. This would mean that a user who clicked on "wugs" for example, would see them in glossaries and wikis and whatever. 

However, there are so many things not working in Moodle, that requesting new things now seems unwise. For example, to answer your question, I went to Manage Tags and there is no way to save the change you make to a tag being official or user defined, despite various buttons and drop lists that look as though that is what should happen.

I have three tabs open in my browser from at the moment and one of them says that there is something wrong with the internet - try twitter. And Howard Miller  is conversing with me over a very basic issue and ... well, there is much frustration. 

In short, tho it's long, forget my suggestion about tags because even tho it would be good,  time needs to be devoted to making it work in promised ways before we go to new promises.

Best wishes

