ID numbers in quiz grades report

ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor Ian Hunt -
Počet odpovedí: 10

We upgraded from 2.0 to 2.2 over the summer.  Just run the first quiz and downloaded grades via the quiz grade report. However, I can't find out how to make sure the student ID is included in the report. I need the ID number to allow easy transfer of the data to my master grades spreadsheet.

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V odpovedi na Ian Hunt

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor Tim Hunt -
Obrázok: Core developers Obrázok: Documentation writers Obrázok: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázok: Peer reviewers Obrázok: Plugin developers

There is an admin setting, under Users -> Permissions -> User policies, to control which fields you want to have displayed in places like the quiz reports. idnumber is one of the options you can enable there.

V odpovedi na Tim Hunt

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor Ian Hunt -

Úsmev Thanks! Done! It wasn't obvious to me that this setting would impact the reports.

V odpovedi na Ian Hunt

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor Tim Hunt -
Obrázok: Core developers Obrázok: Documentation writers Obrázok: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázok: Peer reviewers Obrázok: Plugin developers

The nice thing is that those settings are used everywhere lists of users are shown to teachers or admins.

V odpovedi na Tim Hunt

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor dag bro -


I use Moddle 2.3 and I have an issue with displayinf grades in quiz overwiev report. There are all columns demanded : name, time of start/end of the quiz but any grade is displayed :


I did activate "mark for each questions" but nothing happens.

Is somewhere a setting that I forgot ?

Do you know how can I fix this issue ? I've been looking everywhere but I don't get what I want...

Thank you for your help!

V odpovedi na dag bro

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor Tim Hunt -
Obrázok: Core developers Obrázok: Documentation writers Obrázok: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázok: Peer reviewers Obrázok: Plugin developers

What is the maximum mark for your quiz (at the top of the Edit quiz page).

V odpovedi na Tim Hunt

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor dag bro -


It's 10 for the quizz and 1 for each questions. So there should be some grades for every studens. 

I checked settings ou course - gradebook visible for students. The grades are in the gradebook but not in Results of each quizz. Where shall I look for more settings fos this issue ?

Thank you,



V odpovedi na dag bro

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor Tim Hunt -
Obrázok: Core developers Obrázok: Documentation writers Obrázok: Particularly helpful Moodlers Obrázok: Peer reviewers Obrázok: Plugin developers

Two things:

1. In your screen grab it says Display marks for each question: No.

2. It looks like the table is getting cut off have you tried scrolling sideways?

V odpovedi na Tim Hunt

Re: ID numbers in quiz grades report

autor dag bro -

Hello !
Thank you for you answer. 

Even if I mark Display marks for each question: Yes, grades are not displayed :


There is no scroll sideway in the table but on the page. On the other pages, the scroll does exists and I can scroll from right to left. Not on this page. However, in css style it is the same class/id.