Internal Server Error when trying to upgrade right after the plugin check

Internal Server Error when trying to upgrade right after the plugin check

por Billy Zwiener -
Número de respostas: 2

1.917 upgrade to 2.24. I've tried upgrading it to other earlier versions as well and always run into the same problem. I have followed Pauls entire walkthrough and changed every single item listed. The install ALWAYS seemingly hangs (goes unresponsive) right after I click the upgrade button. Eventually the browser posts a "Internal Server Error, Additionally a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to find an ErrorDocument to handle the request." About 5 minutes after it "hangs". My environment is seemingly good. I am on a dedicated server running php 5.35. Please Help. I am 3 days into troubleshooting. I have seen a lot of people on here that had a problem right after the plug in check like me but nothing with a fix. Please help. 

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En resposta a Billy Zwiener

Re: Internal Server Error when trying to upgrade right after the plugin check

por Guillermo Madero -

Hi Billy,

You need to find what's causing the "Internal server error". Start by checking your web server error log. This could be a memory or a time-out issue (as upgrades can take a long time).

En resposta a Billy Zwiener

Re: Internal Server Error when trying to upgrade right after the plugin check

por Billy Zwiener -

I fixed this issue by running the upgrade from a command prompt in shell. Successfully upgraded 1.9plus to 2.2.4

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