Certificate customization documentation is lacking

Certificate customization documentation is lacking

by Ian L -
Number of replies: 5

I have read your documentation several times, but the path to changing the text in the certificate can't be correct or you're talking about something else.

You can edit the language file found in the certificate folder, such as certificate/lang/en/certificate.php if you are not worried about losing you changes. Lets say you want to change the words at the top of all certificates on your site.

Find the default strings:

$string['title'] = 'CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT';
$string['intro'] = 'This is to certify that';
$string['statement'] = 'has completed the course';

 As posted in my previous comment that path takes me to a different file NOT THIS ONE. I remember this one in 1.9 but it is not at that path.


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In reply to Ian L

Re: Certificate customization documentation is wrong

by Ian L -

It's on that path and in certificate.php in 1.9 and maybe versions after but it is NOT there in 2.3.1. 

In reply to Ian L

Re: Certificate customization documentation is wrong

by Jean-Michel Védrine -

Hello Ian,

The path to the certificate lang string is mod/certificate/lang/en/certificate.php. Apart the fact that "en" was "en_utf8" before, contrary to what you are saying the path is exactly the same in all Moodle version and if youy have not customized your certifiacte module there is no string elsewhere.

Also the docs are a wiki and were mostly contributed by users like you and me. So when you find something wrong or confusing, you can edit the page.

To customize your certificate, you have 2 places you can edit :

  • in the above file mod/certificate/lang/en/certificate.php, you can edit a string to replace an existing string by an other one. Very important note : In moodle all strings are cached, so you need to clear all caches (Administration -> Development -> clear caches) or you won't see any effect of your changes !
  • if you use a type of certificate named "my_certificate" you can edit the file mod/certificate/type/my_certificate/certificate.php

The advantage of this second method is that you can not only change existing texts, but also add lines of code like

certificate_print_text($pdf, $myx, $myy, 'C', 'freeserif', '', 20, "My text");

where $myx and $myy being the coordinates in mm where you want the text to appear.

You can also change font, font size, style, ...

But the disadvantage of this second method is that you can only put text in one language so for multilanguage site the first method is most suited.

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Certificate customization documentation is wrong

by Ian L -

Thank you for your reply Jean-Michel. This is what I find at that path (below). I don't see any lines like these mentioned in the doc. 

$string['title'] = 'CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT';

$string['intro'] = 'This is to certify that';

$string['statement'] = 'has completed the course';


I even tried changing the lines that were similar. I'll try again. So please tell me where you see those lines:


* Language strings for the certificate module
* @package mod
* @subpackage certificate
* @copyright Mark Nelson <mark@moodle.com.au>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

$string['addlinklabel'] = 'Add another linked activity option';
$string['addlinktitle'] = 'Click to add another linked activity option';
$string['areaintro'] = 'Certificate introduction';
$string['awarded'] = 'Awarded';
$string['awardedto'] = 'Awarded To';
$string['back'] = 'Back';
$string['border'] = 'Border';
$string['borderblack'] = 'Black';
$string['borderblue'] = 'Blue';
$string['borderbrown'] = 'Brown';
$string['bordercolor'] = 'Border Lines';
$string['bordercolor_help'] = 'Since images can substantially increase the size of the pdf file, you may choose to print a border of lines instead of using a border image (be sure the Border Image option is set to No). The Border Lines option will print a nice border of three lines of varying widths in the chosen color.';
$string['bordergreen'] = 'Green';
$string['borderlines'] = 'Lines';
$string['borderstyle'] = 'Border Image';
$string['borderstyle_help'] = 'The Border Image option allows you to choose a border image from the certificate/pix/borders folder. Select the border image that you want around the certificate edges or select no border.';
$string['certificate:view'] = 'View Certificate';
$string['certificate:manage'] = 'Manage Certificate';
$string['certificate:printteacher'] = 'Print Teacher';
$string['certificate:student'] = 'Get Certificate';
$string['certificate'] = 'Verification for certificate code:';
$string['certificatename'] = 'Certificate Name';
$string['certificatereport'] = 'Certificates Report';
$string['certificatesfor'] = 'Certificates for';
$string['certificatetype'] = 'Certificate Type';
$string['certificatetype_help'] = 'This is where you determine the layout of the certificate. The certificate type folder includes four default certificates:
A4 Embedded prints on A4 size paper with embedded font.
A4 Non-Embedded prints on A4 size paper without embedded fonts.
Letter Embedded prints on letter size paper with embedded font.
Letter Non-Embedded prints on letter size paper without embedded fonts.

The non-embedded types use the Helvetica and Times fonts. If you feel your users will not have these fonts on their computer, or if your language uses characters or symbols that are not accommodated by the Helvetica and Times fonts, then choose an embedded type. The embedded types use the Dejavusans and Dejavuserif fonts. This will make the pdf files rather large; thus it is not recommended to use an embedded type unless you must.

New type folders can be added to the certificate/type folder. The name of the folder and any new language strings for the new type must be added to the certificate language file.';
$string['certify'] = 'This is to certify that';
$string['code'] = 'Code';
$string['completiondate'] = 'Course Completion';
$string['course'] = 'For';
$string['coursegrade'] = 'Course Grade';
$string['coursename'] = 'Course';
$string['credithours'] = 'Credit Hours';
$string['customtext'] = 'Custom Text';
$string['customtext_help'] = 'If you want the certificate to print different names for the teacher than those who are assigned
the role of teacher, do not select Print Teacher or any signature image except for the line image. Enter the teacher names in this text box as you would like them to appear. By default, this text is placed in the lower left of the certificate. The following html tags are available: &lt;br&gt;, &lt;p&gt;, &lt;b&gt;, &lt;i&gt;, &lt;u&gt;, &lt;img&gt; (src and width (or height) are mandatory), &lt;a&gt; (href is mandatory), &lt;font&gt; (possible attributes are: color, (hex color code), face, (arial, times, courier, helvetica, symbol)).';
$string['date'] = 'On';
$string['datefmt'] = 'Date Format';
$string['datefmt_help'] = 'Choose a date format to print the date on the certificate. Or, choose the last option to have the date printed in the format of the user\'s chosen language.';
$string['datehelp'] = 'Date';
$string['deletissuedcertificates'] = 'Delete issued certificates';
$string['delivery'] = 'Delivery';
$string['delivery_help'] = 'Choose here how you would like your students to get their certificate.
Open in Browser: Opens the certificate in a new browser window.
Force Download: Opens the browser file download window.
Email Certificate: Choosing this option sends the certificate to the student as an email attachment.
After a user receives their certificate, if they click on the certificate link from the course homepage, they will see the date they received their certificate and will be able to review their received certificate.';
$string['designoptions'] = 'Design Options';
$string['download'] = 'Force download';
$string['emailcertificate'] = 'Email (Must also choose save!)';
$string['emailothers'] = 'Email Others';
$string['emailothers_help'] = 'Enter the email addresses here, separated by a comma, of those who should be alerted with an email whenever students receive a certificate.';
$string['emailstudenttext'] = 'Attached is your certificate for {$a->course}.';
$string['emailteachers'] = 'Email Teachers';
$string['emailteachers_help'] = 'If enabled, then teachers are alerted with an email whenever students receive a certificate.';
$string['emailteachermail'] = '
{$a->student} has received their certificate: \'{$a->certificate}\'
for {$a->course}.

You can review it here:

$string['emailteachermailhtml'] = '
{$a->student} has received their certificate: \'<i>{$a->certificate}</i>\'
for {$a->course}.

You can review it here:

<a href="{$a->url}">Certificate Report</a>.';
$string['entercode'] = 'Enter certificate code to verify:';
$string['getcertificate'] = 'Get your certificate';
$string['grade'] = 'Grade';
$string['gradedate'] = 'Grade Date';
$string['gradefmt'] = 'Grade Format';
$string['gradefmt_help'] = 'There are three available formats if you choose to print a grade on the certificate:

Percentage Grade: Prints the grade as a percentage.
Points Grade: Prints the point value of the grade.
Letter Grade: Prints the percentage grade as a letter.';
$string['gradeletter'] = 'Letter Grade';
$string['gradepercent'] = 'Percentage Grade';
$string['gradepoints'] = 'Points Grade';
$string['incompletemessage'] = 'In order to download your certificate, you must first complete all required '.'activities. Please return to the course to complete your coursework.';
$string['intro'] = 'Introduction';
$string['issueoptions'] = 'Issue Options';
$string['issued'] = 'Issued';
$string['issueddate'] = 'Date Issued';
$string['landscape'] = 'Landscape';
$string['lastviewed'] = 'You last received this certificate on:';
$string['letter'] = 'Letter';
$string['lockingoptions'] = 'Locking Options';
$string['modulename'] = 'Certificate';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Certificates';
$string['mycertificates'] = 'My Certificates';
$string['nocertificates'] = 'There are no certificates';
$string['nocertificatesissued'] = 'There are no certificates that have been issued';
$string['nocertificatesreceived'] = 'has not received any course certificates.';
$string['nogrades'] = 'No grades available';
$string['notapplicable'] = 'N/A';
$string['notfound'] = 'The certificate number could not be validated.';
$string['notissued'] = 'Not Issued';
$string['notissuedyet'] = 'Not issued yet';
$string['notreceived'] = 'You have not received this certificate';
$string['openbrowser'] = 'Open in new window';
$string['opendownload'] = 'Click the button below to save your certificate to your computer.';
$string['openemail'] = 'Click the button below and your certificate will be sent to you as an email attachment.';
$string['openwindow'] = 'Click the button below to open your certificate in a new browser window.';
$string['or'] = 'Or';
$string['orientation'] = 'Orientation';
$string['orientation_help'] = 'Choose whether you want your certificate orientation to be portrait or landscape.';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Certificate administration';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Certificate';
$string['portrait'] = 'Portrait';
$string['printdate'] = 'Print Date';
$string['printdate_help'] = 'This is the date that will be printed, if a print date is selected. If the course completion date is selected but the student has not completed the course, the date received will be printed. You can also choose to print the date based on when an activity was graded. If a certificate is issued before that activity is graded, the date received will be printed.';
$string['printerfriendly'] = 'Printer-friendly page';
$string['printhours'] = 'Print Credit Hours';
$string['printhours_help'] = 'Enter here the number of credit hours to be printed on the certificate.';
$string['printgrade'] = 'Print Grade';
$string['printgrade_help'] = 'You can choose any available course grade items from the gradebook to print the user\'s grade received for that item on the certificate. The grade items are listed in the order in which they appear in the gradebook. Choose the format of the grade below.';
$string['printnumber'] = 'Print Code';
$string['printnumber_help'] = 'A unique 10-digit code of random letters and numbers can be printed on the certificate. This number can then be verified by comparing it to the code number displayed in the certificates report.';
$string['printoutcome'] = 'Print Outcome';
$string['printoutcome_help'] = 'You can choose any course outcome to print the name of the outcome and the user\'s received outcome on the certificate. An example might be: Assignment Outcome: Proficient.';
$string['printseal'] = 'Seal or Logo Image';
$string['printseal_help'] = 'This option allows you to select a seal or logo to print on the certificate from the certificate/pix/seals folder. By default, this image is placed in the lower right corner of the certificate.';
$string['printsignature'] = 'Signature Image';
$string['printsignature_help'] = 'This option allows you to print a signature image from the certificate/pix/signatures folder. You can print a graphic representation of a signature, or print a line for a written signature. By default, this image is placed in the lower left of the certificate.';
$string['printteacher'] = 'Print Teacher Name(s)';
$string['printteacher_help'] = 'For printing the teacher name on the certificate, set the role of teacher at the module level. Do this if, for example, you have more than one teacher for the course or you have more than one certificate in the course and you want to print different teacher names on each certificate. Click to edit the certificate, then click on the Locally assigned roles tab. Then assign the role of Teacher (editing teacher) to the certificate (they do not HAVE to be a teacher in the course--you can assign that role to anyone). Those names will be printed on the certificate for teacher.';
$string['printwmark'] = 'Watermark Image';
$string['printwmark_help'] = 'A watermark file can be placed in the background of the certificate. A watermark is a faded graphic. A watermark could be a logo, seal, crest, wording, or whatever you want to use as a graphic background.';
$string['receivedcerts'] = 'Received certificates';
$string['receiveddate'] = 'Date Received';
$string['removecert'] = 'Issued certificates removed';
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['reportcert'] = 'Report Certificates';
$string['reportcert_help'] = 'If you choose yes here, then this certificate\'s date received, code number, and the course name will be shown on the user certificate reports. If you choose to print a grade on this certificate, then that grade will also be shown on the certificate report.';
$string['reviewcertificate'] = 'Review your certificate';
$string['savecert'] = 'Save Certificates';
$string['savecert_help'] = 'If you choose this option, then a copy of each user\'s certificate pdf file is saved in the course files moddata folder for that certificate. A link to each user\'s saved certificate will be displayed in the certificate report.';
$string['sigline'] = 'line';
$string['statement'] = 'Has completed the course';
$string['summaryofattempts'] = 'Summary of Previously Received Certificates';
$string['textoptions'] = 'Text Options';
$string['title'] = 'Certificate of Achievement';
$string['to'] = 'Awarded to';
$string['typeA4_embedded'] = 'A4 Embedded';
$string['typeA4_non_embedded'] = 'A4 Non-Embedded';
$string['typeletter_embedded'] = 'Letter Embedded';
$string['typeletter_non_embedded'] = 'Letter Non-Embedded';
$string['userdateformat'] = 'User\'s Language Date Format';
$string['validate'] = 'Verify';
$string['verifycertificate'] = 'Verify Certificate';
$string['viewcertificateviews'] = 'View {$a} issued certificates';
$string['viewed'] = 'You received this certificate on:';
$string['viewtranscript'] = 'View Certificates';

In reply to Ian L

Re: Certificate customization documentation is wrong

by Mary Cooch -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

In your pasted file above I can see 

$string['statement'] = 'Has completed the course';
$string['summaryofattempts'] = 'Summary of Previously Received Certificates';
$string['textoptions'] = 'Text Options';
$string['title'] = 'Certificate of Achievement';

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Certificate customization documentation is wrong

by Ian L -

Haha, thanks Jean-Michel you alerted me to the problem. Even though I had tried making changes to the strings in that document I never saw the changes to the text. I was even clearing my browsers cache and nothing.

But then you mentioned purging the cache in Moodle, (1.9 didn't have this) and tadahh! It worked. I can see the changes.

So I guess the documentation is not exactly wrong, but those three lines as mentioned in the doc. are not all together in 2.3.1.
