bulk enrolment and UNenrolment

bulk enrolment and UNenrolment

بواسطة - Alan Bradshaw
عدد الردود: 0

It would be really useful to be able to unenrol students in bulk. 

In Moodle 1.9 course you can enrol or unenrol several in a select field (as long as you are able to find all the required accounts)
In Moodle 2 you can only do one at a time (for enrol or unenrol, as far as I can see).

The new moodle 2 interface looks nicer and works smoother but what if I need to unenrol 100 students at the same time? At the moment we are fortunate that mostly when we want to find a large group of users they all have email addresses in the same domain so we can find them that way (in 1.9 ... but this would not be possible in 2.x)

I thought I'd cracked it when I discovered Flat File enrolment. But this only uses "id number" fields which we don't use and which are not necessarily unique and are editable by users - hardly suitable in my view! I know this was set up for use with an external database which doesn't have direct access, but it surely wouldn't be difficult to make it more widely usable and robust?

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