q: allowing a teacher to see other teacher's courses material

q: allowing a teacher to see other teacher's courses material

von Gaetano Giunta -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

A newbie question - running on a moodle 2.2.1 install, I got "teacher" and "non-editing teacher" roles available.

One teacher T1 created some courses.

I want another teacher T2 to be able to browse around his courses, without enrolling in it as a student, without the ability to change anything in it and without being listed as one of the course's teachers.

T2 so far has been given the role "course creator" at the global context.

When it logs in and browses to T1 courses, he gets only a "you can not enroll here" message and can not see anything.

I have tried, when logged is as admin, to alter the role given to T2 in the context of one of the courses of T1, but in the list of available roles to assign there is only "admin" and not "non-editing teacher"

Thanks for suggestions

Als Antwort auf Gaetano Giunta

Re: q: allowing a teacher to see other teacher's courses material

von Michael Woods -
Nutzerbild von Core developers

Hi Gaetano,

You can create a new blank role (we call ours 'Colleague') and only allow 'View courses without participation'.

Assign your teachers this role at the site level (in addition to their already assigned 'teacher' roles at course level). This will allow your teachers to view any course in your site, but not modify the contents of those courses.

If there are courses that teachers shouldn't have access to, you'll need to override this role to remove the capability at either the course level, or the category level.

Kind regards,