Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Dana Marshall發表於
Number of replies: 12

I look using the Multiple Answer format with multiple choice questions, however - I do not like using the penalty system (Right less Wrong) for wrong answer entry.  My students find the penalties demoralizing and inhibit their learning.  Is there and Plugin that would let me limit the number of selections they can make?


Which of the following are true of electron flow?

Then I will provide them with 2 correct  and 3 incorrect answers.  I want to restrict them to 2 selections.


Many thanks in advance,



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In reply to Dana Marshall

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Jean-Michel Védrine發表於


this has been asked several times but to my best knowledge it doesn't exist yet.

In my opinion it would be a good project for somebody wanting to become familiar with Moodle question type coding, as a lot of methods could be just inherited from multichoice so he would not have a lot of code to write (assuming of course he would write this for Moodle 2.1/2.2, in previous Moodle versions it would be more difficult to do that). If the student check more answers than allowed, during form validation an error message would be displayed.

Unfortunately I don't have time to do it myself. Anybody ?

In reply to Dana Marshall

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Itamar Tzadok發表於

I'm not sure I follow the rationale here. Even if you restrict the response to 2 selections, students may select incorrect choices and get "penalized" in the sense that they won't get full marks for the question.

Anyway, afaict this may be done only by a javascript layer, which for simple cases may be added without a custom question type. If you message me with more details I can look into that. 微笑

In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Jean-Michel Védrine發表於


i think that what Dana wanted to say is that she find giving negative maks for wrong choicesis too penalizing. So, she doesn't want that "bad" responses substract to "good" ones. But the problem is that if you have 5 choices with 2 right and 3 wrong, giving 50% for each correct response and 0% for each wrong, students only need to check all 5 choices to be sure to get the maximum mark.

I have already said several times that I find Moodle grading scheme for multichoice questions too simplistic and restrictive. "All or nothing" add another possibility but you can imagine quite a lot of other ones.

I really think that core multichoice and match questions types "show their ages" and that both need some attention.

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Itamar Tzadok發表於

With 2 correct and 3 incorrect, if you give 50% for each correct and -50% for each incorrect, any selection of more than 2 will result in 50% or 0, as should be. I really don't see the problem here and how this could be considered penalizing. If a student violates an explicit instruction to select only two options, or selects incorrect options, and then complains that the less than 100% mark for the question is demoralizing and inhibits learning, and the complaint is accepted, well, the problem lies neither in the question types nor in the students. 微笑

In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Jean-Michel Védrine發表於

Hello Itamar,

With your 50% ; -50% solution a student that check a right and a false choice is graded 0% (this is why they said it's "demoralizing and inhibits learning") wether you agree with them or not is your personal choice as a teacher but if Dana wants to allow them 50% for their good answer and don't substract anything for their false one, I think she is in her absolute right.

Your answer provide no point against what I said : Moodle multichoice grading scheme is too restricted and constrained and even with all or nothing and oumultiresponse question types there are other sensible ways to grade a multichoice question not allowed by current Moodle.

PS : a feature of oumultiresponse that I like is the fact you can deactivate hints if students select too many choices when several attempts are allowed or in interactive behaviour.

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Itamar Tzadok發表於

Well, restricting the response to two selections has nothing to do with the grading scheme.

My answer was not intended to counter your suggestion that the multichoice grading scheme is too restricted. In fact I think that the core question type is too restricted in more than just this respect.

One cannot be right or wrong in what one wants. It's just what one wants.

One way to enable the treat and disable the trick is to make the question adaptive with two attempts (hints) and highest mark. So the student select one choice in the first attempt, and then another in the second or two others if the first selection was no good. 微笑

In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Joseph Rézeau發表於
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Hi Itamar, Jean-Michel, Tim, Dana and others...

We've had countless posts in this Quiz module forum re the scoring scheme of the Multiple Choice question type with Multiple Answers option. I have reached the conclusion that it is near impossible to provide for that particular type of question a scoring system which will satisfy every teacher or teaching scenario.

Could a sophisticated editing interface provide an - almost - comprehensive list of scenarios for the teacher to choose from? That feature might well be a tough programing task and in the end not even satisfy the end-user. Something like:

Select one option:

  • all-or-nothing: question will be marked correct only if student has selected all correct choices and none of the incorrect ones (we already have a special question type for this option)
  • award points for correct choices only, disregard incorrect ones
  • award points for correct choices, deduct points for incorrect ones
  • etc.


In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Tim Hunt發表於
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You might want to take a look at

The way that assigne grades is, when a student selects too many options - say they selecet four responses (three right, one wrong) when there are only three correct answers, then we grade the 3 worst ones (in other words, two right, and one wrong) so they get 2/3.

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Itamar Tzadok發表於

With homogeneous distribution of marks between choices that's essentially the same as the standard partial mark method.

With heterogeneous distribution of marks that's a different story but I wonder how often such a grading scheme is used and what its pedagogical value is. 微笑

In reply to Itamar Tzadok

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

Tim Hunt發表於
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The OU-MR question type does not support heterogeneous marks. When you are setting up a question, you just use checkboxes to indicate which the right answers are.

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer (Response)

karl staudinger發表於

hi jean michel,

i have the same request as dana from a school i am administering a moodle quiz for. anything happened since april 2012? is there a plugin like dana was asking for?

i have found a thread where one comment suggests to reduce the penalty, e.g. to 0.25 points instead of one (by the way, i don't see a way to reduce in point-units, moodle offers me only to reduce in percentage).

if you could point me to a solution like the one dana asked for i'd be very grateful.

regards and thanks for what you contribute to this forum!
