Nanogong in HotPot

Nanogong in HotPot

by Barfuss Ruge -
Number of replies: 19


Does anyone in here know if it is possible to embed a Nanogong panel manually in a HotPot exercise? (I mean like you can embed dewplayer by writing the right code and enclose the player file.)

I would also be interested in doing so in moodle outside of Hot potatoes - whatever it takes to manually get nanogong into moodle 2.0+ smile!

Thanks in advance!



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In reply to Barfuss Ruge

Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Stan Bogdanov -

Hi Barfuss,

Outside hotpot there's a wonderful plugin- Assignment: Online Audio Recording here

I prefer the Online Audio Recording Plugin much more than Nanogong (Java based) and other plugins (Red5 or Flash streaming server based)

I have a screencast how to set it up on Moolde 1.9 in less than a minute:



Average of ratings: Useful (2)
In reply to Stan Bogdanov

Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Glenys Hanson -

Hi Stan,

I love your tutorial: both the content and the format. I often find Flash tutorials difficult to follow because the cursor wanders all over the screen. Your way combines the clarity of still screenshots with the human touch of a voice over. I like the way the user is in full control: they decide when to click on to the next slide. How did you do it?



PS: I see your new site is going to look really elegant.

In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Stan Bogdanov -

Hi Glenys,

Thanks a lot. The things you say are just a few of my Pedagogical Usability considerations that turn educational content in Pedagogically more effective learning materials from my PhD research wink

Re: "How did you do it?"

I used several programs to achieve this (more in a private email to you)

Re: "PS: I see your new site is going to look really elegant."

Thanks, it's still needs a lot of work.



In reply to Stan Bogdanov

Ang: Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Barfuss Ruge -

Hi Stan

Thanks a lot for your helpful answer!

I will forward it to my colleagues who are looking for something like that for students to make oral assignments - they will like it.

I was thinking of a different use for the recording like I'll explain to Glenys below. I should have expressed my needs more clearly...

Best regards an thanks again


In reply to Barfuss Ruge

Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Glenys Hanson -

Hi Barfuss,

I don't think it's possible to embed NanoGong in a HotPot exercise but I'm not sure what it would do there. It would be wonderful if students could give oral answers, but how would they be graded?  What do you envisage doing with NanoGon in HotPot?



In reply to Glenys Hanson

Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Gordon Bateson -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers


it seems that Nanogong uses a programming language called "Java", which most browsers can handle, so to embed a Nanogong player/recorder you would copy and paste something like the following into your HotPot quiz:

  • <applet id="applet" archive="nanogong.jar" code="gong.NanoGong" width="180" height="40"></applet>

You would have to adjust the "archice" and "code" values to point to the files you wanted to use.

The Nanogong website has instructions on how to use Nanogong in Moodle. Did you see that explanation already?


Average of ratings: Useful (2)
In reply to Gordon Bateson

Ang: Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Barfuss Ruge -

Hi Gordon

Thanks for you answer! That was just what I was hoping to hear smile!

I've been looking at the documentation at the NanoGong homepage, but  I couldn't figure out if it would work inside moodle. I thought it would be better to ask in here to at least find out if someone could say for sure that it wouldn't work...

I'm going to give it a try then.

Where would you place the .jar and other files? In the exercise (zip with the jqz) or somewhere else inside or outside moodle?

Best regards 


In reply to Glenys Hanson

Ang: Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Barfuss Ruge -

Hi Glenys

I'd like to make something inside moodle like this "online single word language laboratory":

("Seqinnerpoq" means "The sun is shining." smile)

I use it to enable beginners in Greenlandic to familiarize themselves with the word by pronouncing it and to train pronunciation in general.

Best regards


In reply to Barfuss Ruge

Re: Ang: Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Stan Bogdanov -

Hi Barfuss,

This is Audio Xtra ShockWave recorder, third-party software (Plugin) for Macromedia Director MX and later:

The site says: "Audio Xtra is no longer being updated, and no new releases are planned at this time. Registered users will continue to receive priority support until November of 2011."

You can use the embed code from the web page that Director outputs to embed it like regular flash in a ReadingDiv in HotPotatoes (or as an iframe full page) so students can read a text aloud and record their voices, for instance.

Yet, as Glenys said, how are you going to assess and grade students? HotPotatoes won't help you there as it cannot calculate any score, so you don't need HotPotatoes for anything more than uploading it through QuizPort or HotPot.

So what you need is:

  • purchase Macromedia Director MX or later.
  • purchase AudioXtra
  • Embed the resulting output html code in HotPotatoes

I've long wanted to use this AudioXtra plugin, but Director IS expensive, and if a friend/colleague (who you can ask for a favour) has purchased it already, you're lucky.

Over the years I've searched for alternative audio recorders to use WITH (not inside) HotPotatoes but I need help with php. At the HotPot Minimoot in Paris, I mentioned that to Gordon, but he seems very busy trying to release TaskChain a.s.a.p., so I don't want to bother him right now.

Hope that helps



Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Stan Bogdanov

Re: Ang: Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Gordon Bateson -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Stan,

> I mentioned that to Gordon, but he seems very busy
> trying to release TaskChain a.s.a.p.,
> so I don't want to bother him right now.

I haven't forgotten the players Stan. I seem to have reached terminal velocity at work, and am finding it hard to get any kind of momentum going with TaskChain. It is inching forward though.

all the best

In reply to Gordon Bateson

Re: Ang: Re: Nanogong in HotPot

by Stan Bogdanov -

Hi Gordon,

That's exactly what I meant - I can imagine only too well what it's like wink

And you're costantly here patiently and politely providing support ... to all and everyone ...



In reply to Stan Bogdanov


by Barfuss Ruge -

Hi Stan

Thanks a lot for your idea about embedding AudioXtra, I appreciate your answers a lot every time smile.

I just want to warn you about AudioXtra. As far as I know it doesn't work on 64-bit processors (or systems or versions or something...), and it will not do in the future either since they stopped supporting it. I know that the people who made the exercize I linked to are moving to flash for this reason. I may have gotten something wrong, though, so please check up on this elsewhere.

Best regards


In reply to Barfuss Ruge

Ang: AudioXtra - OT

by Bente Olsen -
Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Hej Barfuss

" I know that the people who made the exercize I linked to are moving to flash for this reason"

Interesting (I know what she is talking about).

Nice to see you here BTW & hope you enjoy the platform and do not miss the old one too much wink

You might have forgotten me, but I stood on the sideline when my colleges were working with the language lab for



In reply to Bente Olsen

Ang: AudioXtra - OT

by Barfuss Ruge -

Hej Bente

Nice to see you here too smile. I've wanted to get in contact with you for some time since I can see that you are a very active Danish moodler working with language learning like we do.

I sure enjoy my new platform! It is such an improvement compared to old NLC. And then you get these amazing support-forums on the top where people will always help you (often answering questions that you didn't even ask, nice smile). So much useful information...

Best regards


In reply to Bente Olsen

Ang: AudioXtra - OT

by Will Sutter -

Hi Bente,

It's been years but now I'm back. We are just getting back on track at Sprogcenter Aalborg. I'll be in touch.

While we wait: Do you know if anyone has translated the nanogong aktivity instructions into Danish?

If not, I'll be happy to do it, as soon as I find the right people to ask.


In reply to Will Sutter

Ang: AudioXtra - OT

by Bente Olsen -
Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

Hi Will

Welcome back! We are just about to translate the plugin, but do not let that discourage you smile

Now, joking aside, help with translation will always be appreciated, I do believe that Nanogong can be relatively soon done. If you are still on Mdl. 1.9 I might have a translation already. Let me know if you are interested in that.

BTW I have send you a PM too.


In reply to Stan Bogdanov

Nanogong in hotpot

by Barfuss Ruge -

Hi Glenys and Stan

I'm ind the lucky situation, that I dont assess or grade any of my learners.

They are highly motivated adults who will learn whether they are assessed or not. Some of them find the hotpot scoring motivating (I seldom check their score) but they also do other learning activities that aren't assessed. They assessment that they get would be if they can make themselves understood by their Greenlandic colleagues.

I guess we face different teaching situations and that we are part of different teaching traditions.

I would like to make a sort of taste-and-feel introduction to new words where you could listen to it, see a picture, read it, train how to pronounce it (which can't be assessed by computer) and finally train how to write it (which can be assed by computer). That's why I would like to get nanogong into hotpot...

I havent got the time to experiment yet, but I will let you know when I get to it.

Best regards


In reply to Barfuss Ruge

Re: Nanogong in hotpot

by Stan Bogdanov -


That being the case, I'm still much in favour of the Audio Recording plugin as an option - easy install, easy setup, and almost automagical recording through the simple flash UI.

One reason to recommend the Audio Recording plugin instead of Nanogong is that nanogong outputs wav files which tend to be huge, while the audio rec. plugin outputs MP3 files (more than twice smaller than WAV).

One other thing, AudiRec. is flash-based which means almost any machine (desktop/laptop) can display it (no iPads and iPhones here).

Nanogong is developed in Java and while it is not much of a problem for the Mac users, I find that Java is running infuriatingly slow on Windows. Additionally, I've much too often had trouble installing and updating the Java VM and plugin every so often on the Windows computers at the Uni. Students often complain, too.

BTW, Glenys just shared with me that she runs the win version of HotPotatoes in a Virtual machine on her Mac for the same reason  ... Java running 'slowly' ...

Just food for thought ...

And if you are into spending some funds, Articulate Studio ( does a great job. And is therefore pricy! (discount smile until April 15th)



Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Stan Bogdanov

Ang: Re: Nanogong in hotpot

by Barfuss Ruge -

Hi Stan

Thanks a lot for your very informative answer. I'll take a closer look at the things you mention.

Best regards
