Random Order Override

Random Order Override

yazan Greg Hundermark -
Yanıt sayısı: 1

Hello All -

This might be more of a suggestion than it is a question, but I'll have a go at it anyway. 

It would be nice if a user could set a quiz to display questions in random order, with the ability to also set exceptions.  For example, I'm giving a vocabulary quiz tomorrow, and it's two parts.  The first part is matching, and the second is fill-in-the blank (short answer).  Ideally it would be nice if the matching section always displayed first, while the short answers could be completely random.

As of right now, the matching section may show up as question #1 for some, #3 for others, etc.

Any chance I'll be able to have my cake and eat it too? sırıtıyor

Greg Hundermark yanıt olarak

Re: Random Order Override

yazan Itamar Tzadok -

Don't shuffle questions in the quiz. Instead put all the matching questions in one category and the short answer questions in another category. Add to the quiz the desired number of matching questions as random questions from their designated category, and then the short answer questions as random questions from their designated category. The random will shuffle the questions but the matching will always be at the top. hth gülüyor