Cohorts moodle 2.2

Cohorts moodle 2.2

oleh Albert Ramsbottom -
Jumlah balasan: 3


First look really but I need to know how to assign a cohort to a category and a course

This is really not that clear.  i have two categories each with two courses in them.  I have created a cohort at both system and category level.

What next?

I have been to the category and cant find anywhere to assign a cohort and this is the same at course level

Any ideas


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Sebagai balasan Albert Ramsbottom

Re: Cohorts moodle 2.2

oleh Andrea Gregory (Gordon) -

Hi Albert,

Go to your Cohort you have created and edit it. You will then see the 'context' dropdown where you can select where it will be assigned to whether system level or category level.


Sebagai balasan Albert Ramsbottom

Re: Cohorts moodle 2.2

oleh Andrea Bicciolo -

Hi Albert,

cohorts are basically an enrollment method: make sure you have Cohort sync enrollment plugin enabled in Site Admin->Plugins->Enrollments->Manage enrol plugin.

Once plugin is enabled, go to your course and add one or more instances of Cohort sync plugin, via Course administration->Users->Enrollment methods. You should add one plugin instance for each cohort you want enrolled in the course.