Easy start for setting up a lesson

Re: Easy start for setting up a lesson

Höfundur K S Ramachandran -
Number of replies: 0

Thanks for your reply. I tried simple copy/ paste; I also tried converting the .pdf file to html pages using some free online conversion facility. They appear fine in html but when I paste it in my Moodle content page, the formatting and images are lost. For example, a picture of 4 children A,B,C,D is shown and the question asked is "who is the tallest?" If the images are lost, I have to manually insert each image from the .pdf file which is time consuming.

I am yet to try Mary's suggestion re. pasting the whole thing as an image.

I know that this is not the "classic" way to start but I am trying to check where the student failed to grasp what in the text book. Any Moodle expert willing to collaborate is welcome. I would rather stick to Math!

Kind regards Rama