Navigation pane in quiz attempt

Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Moodler Project -
Antall svar: 13

How to remove navigation pane and other buttons from quiz attempt page?

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Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Tim Hunt -
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Not sure why you would want to do that.

Anyway, if you have a custom theme, you could do it by adding some display: none; rules to the CSS.

Som svar til Tim Hunt

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av philip torres -

Good day!

Same thing with here, can i hide the navigation panel because I use the option to display one question per page, but the problem is the student can still return to the question since they have the navigation panel. In my class im training my students to take exam without going back to the previous questions, in the old version i manage to hide the navigation by editing the attempt.php. Now in the new version I can do it anymore, Any idea where and how to hide it.


Som svar til philip torres

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Nikita M -

if you are using moodle 2.1 you can also hide Quiz navigation for all theme

in moodle/mod/quiz/attemptlib.php

and change:

$bc = new block_contents();


$bc = new block_contents(array('style'=>'display:none'));

Som svar til Nikita M

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Tim Hunt -
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That is a really terrible way to do it. Why not do it in your theme?

Som svar til Tim Hunt

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Jean-Michel Védrine -

I quite agree with Tim.

Can you explain why you don't want a student to change his mind about one of his responses ?

Beside that, are you really sure that, even without the navigation panel, your students can't change their previous responses ? stort smil

Som svar til Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Nikita M -

I think "quiz navigation" is very useful, but if one person don't want it (even if I do not understand why), there are various easy way to remove it.
(one person can also remove link to another question)

Som svar til Nikita M

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Jean-Michel Védrine -

Hello Nikita,

I quite agree this is one of the great strenght of free software : anyone is free to taylor it to his needs (I don't think this would be possible with B........d), I was just curious (sorry it's in my nature) to know the motives ...

Additionnaly I wanted to point out (just in case Moodler project and Philip were not aware of that) that navigation panel (or links) are not the only means to navigate between questions and that maybe removing such things will create unequality between "ingenious" students and others (should I really explain why ?) if they are not using other  means of "securing" the exam session.

Som svar til Tim Hunt

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Nikita M -

Hi Tim, what do you think about to modify "quiz navigation" display in moodle/mod/quiz/style.css and add:

 .path-mod-quiz #mod_quiz_navblock { ...(insert changes)... }



Som svar til Nikita M

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Tim Hunt -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers

Well, better, but still wrong.

You should go into theme/{whatever}/style/quiz.css, and add

.path-mod-quiz #mod_quiz_navblock { ...(insert changes)... }

there. If the quiz.css file does not exist, create it, and add to the $THEME->sheets array in the theme's config.php file.

Som svar til Tim Hunt

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Nikita M -

excuse me, but is it wrong to add it in  theme/{whatever}/style/core.css?

Som svar til Nikita M

Re: Navigation pane in quiz attempt

av Tim Hunt -
Bilde av Core developers Bilde av Documentation writers Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers Bilde av Peer reviewers Bilde av Plugin developers

Not necessarily wrong. Within any theme, it is good to have some sort of logical organisation for the various style rules, just so you can easily find all the rules in your theme that affect the quiz (for example). However, it does not matter exactly how your organise things, and if you don't organise things, the only person who will suffer is yourself, in the future.