User Passwords changed after Upgrade to 2.0.2

Re: Still Need Help Please!! User Passwords changed after Upgrade to 2.0.2

על ידי Kimberly Middendorf בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 0

After upgrading to Moodle 2.0.2, user passwords were changed to some computer generated passwords. Their passwords already met the strict requirements of 7 characters, one letter, one number, one symbol, and one capital letter that the last upgrade I did required. My students are fifth graders and many do not have email accounts or at least they don't have them listed on their account page, so they can't just request a new password to be emailed to them. I also can't contact them as it is currently summer break. Is there a way to change them back to what they were before? Perhaps by using part of the fantastico backup folder in CPanel that Fantastico made before the upgrade?