Faculty can't view user profiles from front page in MOODLE 2.0 but can in 1.9

Faculty can't view user profiles from front page in MOODLE 2.0 but can in 1.9

von Edwinna Lucyk -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

Situation: I want faculty members to see the People block on the home page and be able to click a participant's name to see his/her profile. I do not want students or parents to see user profiles.

I did the following in MOODLE 1.9 to accomplish that.

  • I assigned faculty members the role of non-editing teachers on the front page and students the front page role of students.
  • For the non-editing teacher role I set moodle/site:viewparticipants to allow and set moodle/user:viewdetails to allow.
  • I clicked the mask icon on the front page people block and set block view to allow for non-editing teachers and prevent for students

I can't seem to get the same thing to work in MOODLE 2.0.

  • I assigned faculty members the front page role of non-editing teachers and students the front page role of students.
  • I set moodle/site:viewparticipants and moofle/user:viewdetails to allow for the non-editing teacher role.

Teachers can view the People block and participant list but when they click on a user name they get the message "The details of this user are not available to you"

Furthermore, when I try to prevent students from seeing the People block as I did in 1.9, I cannot.  When I click the mask icon in the People block, I get the message "you are not able to assign any roles here".

I have spent hours trying to replicate what was possible in 1.9 in 2.0, namely that faculty can view the People block and profiles of all users from the front page but students cannot. Any help would be most appreciated.

Als Antwort auf Edwinna Lucyk

Re: Faculty can't view user profiles from front page in MOODLE 2.0 but can in 1.9

von Mary Cooch -
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Well just a quick response to your second issue - if you want to prevent a role from seeing a block in 2.0, click its edit (pen/hand) icon and then down the side there will appear a "settings" block. Click "permissions" there and you will see the viewblock permission with users you can prevent from viewing it.

Als Antwort auf Mary Cooch

Re: Faculty can't view user profiles from front page in MOODLE 2.0 but can in 1.9

von Edwinna Lucyk -

Thanks Mary for showing me how to find the block permissions for the People block on the Front page in 2.0.

With that piece I think I finally got the other problem worked out.

I set user:viewdetails and site:viewparticipants to allow for Authenticated users. That allowed all users to see all profiles from the Front page. Then I prevented those with the Front page role of students or parents from seeing the People block on the Front page. That effectively  prevented them from seeing the profiles but allowed the faculty who were assigned the role of non-editing teachers on the Front page to see profiles.