Can the gradebook calculate the total of the top 5 from a group of 10 labs for example?

Can the gradebook calculate the total of the top 5 from a group of 10 labs for example?

- Rina Foliaki の投稿
返信数: 3


I am wondering if anyone could help me with this question. I want to set up the gradebook in my course where students will complete 10 labs but only the top 5 will be selected and calculated towards their final grade. Will it be possible for the gradebook to do a calculation like this? I am using Version 1.9.7.

Many thanks

Rina Foliaki への返信

Re: Can the gradebook calculate the total of the top 5 from a group of 10 labs for example?

- Bob Puffer の投稿

Yes -- from Categories and Items tab/dropdown place '5' in the "keep highest" field for the grade category containing the labs.  You may need to toggle the display to advanced mode depending on your setup.