More user friendly file upload process

Re: More user friendly file upload process

par Russell Waldron,
Nombre de réponses : 0

You know how users detest the seemingly endless prompts for confirmation in Windows Vista? The [Confirm] button hints that the FP interface is not ready for end-users.

The [Confirm] button signals that the 'cost' of trusting the user is too high. (By cost I mean the erosion of the user's confidence and productivity while trying to discover and rectify their mistakes.) The few users I have shown it to are all accustomed to easily reversible file-management on their desktop (which WebDAV approximates); Moodle2 file-picker actions are not so easily reversible.

On top of that, the [Confirm] button is another point where user error (forgetting to confirm) or technology failure (interrupted browser session) has real potential to waste user time - especially for those who rely on collaborators in course construction.

I'm very sorry to criticise.