How to quickly give every student in a couse the same grade on a per assignment basis?

Re: How to quickly give every student in a couse the same grade on a per assignment basis?

by Aaron Johnson -
Number of replies: 0

I just wanted to post that I was able to make this work in Moodle 2.2.3. Basically it works unmodifed but I didn't trust the 'Save all my feedback' button that is added to the top when you implement the hack so I removed that.

Here's exactly what I did to make this work on our upgraded site:

nano moodle/mod/assignment/lib.php

Find these lines:

        /// Print quickgrade form around the table
        if ($quickgrade) {
            $formattrs = array();
            $formattrs['action'] = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php');
            $formattrs['id'] = 'fastg';
            $formattrs['method'] = 'post';

and paste the contents of the attached file (I tried to copy and paste it into this forum but the WYSIWYG editor keeps messing it up)

Then all you need to do is add the button text to your lang file like this:

nano moodle/mod/assignment/lang/en/assignment.php 

Find this line:

$string['saveallfeedback'] = 'Save all my feedback'; 

paste directly under that:

$string['setmax'] = 'Set grades to Max';
$string['setmin'] = 'Set grades to Min';