Course Backup Problems in Moodle 1.9 (Continue button missing)

Course Backup Problems in Moodle 1.9 (Continue button missing)

eftir Sandeep Kankatala -
Number of replies: 3

Hi there...

Moodle Version: 1.9
Host Type: Shared web host

I'm trying to backup a course from Administration section, I can see all the options but the Continue button is missing in the bottom and I cannot proceed any further. I've tried in several browsers that includes Mozilla Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer but still the problem is the same. I cannot find the Continue button.

Do I need to make any changes in Site Administration>Courses>Backup.

Can someone help me? Your efforts are highly regarded.

Thanks in advance.

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In reply to Sandeep Kankatala

Re: Course Backup Problems in Moodle 1.9 (Continue button missing)

eftir Tim Hunt -
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If the end of the page is missing, then you are probalby hitting a fatal error. Turn on Debugging to find out what the error is.

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Course Backup Problems in Moodle 1.9 (Continue button missing)

eftir Sandeep Kankatala -

Thanks for the reply Tim. I turned on Debugging, but it is still the same. I can neither find any error messages nor the Continue button. Only error I see is when I go to Site Administration>Notifications is this:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 40961 bytes) in /home/ellumina/public_html/lib/weblib.php on line 2544.

I've been living with this error for so long. I couldn't rectify it, didn't get a solution from the forum. You can find that post here.

Thanks once again.

In reply to Sandeep Kankatala

Urgent help needed

eftir Sandeep Kankatala -

Hi there...

We need to take the course backup as early as possible. It should be about 100-150 MB. The continue button is missing for a while... and as a result I'm unable to take a backup of a course.

Wondering, if I can take atleast course backup manually from MOODLE root folder via ftp.

Can some one please help me?