DB error installing 2.0.1 on hosted system

DB error installing 2.0.1 on hosted system

por Jesus Padro -
Número de respuestas: 1

In the process of installing Moodle onto my hosted machine. The script runs flawlessly unitl it gets to the Database config portion of Setup. At this point when I enter the Database Host as localhost:/tmp/mysql5.sock it returns the following error Warning: mysqli::close(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/padrogro/www/univ/lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php on line 315.

I have logged into the control panel of my hosted system and verified the correct path and also attempted to change it to just localhost then /tmp/mysql5.sock but still get the same error above.

I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.


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En respuesta a Jesus Padro

Re: DB error installing 2.0.1 on hosted system

por musei kaze -

I just posted the same issue only a few hours ago :P If your using cpanel make sure you have added your user to the database and given that user the appropriate permissions.