Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Marco Marino -
Number of replies: 13
From the Login page I want to remove
"Forgotten your username or password?"

There is a command for disable this function or I must modify a php page?

Average of ratings: -
In reply to Marco Marino

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Howard Miller -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
Assuming that people will still forget their passwords you can set a URL at

Site administration > Users > Authentication > Manage authentication > Forgotten Password URL

That replaces the standard functionality
Average of ratings:Useful (2)
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Marco Marino -
Hi Howard,
thanks for the reply.

Your idea is good, but my situation it's a little different

I create passwords and sends them. Users know my email address and may require the password directly then I would not like to appear on that block is now used as a game
In reply to Marco Marino

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Howard Miller -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
Yes but you could (should?) just point that to a web page (even a Moodle resource) that says "If you forget your password email me!".
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Marco Marino -
Yes it's a good idea Howard and this solve one problem.
I will create that page, for one Moodle, but I have another Moodle and in this it's necessary delete this block because it's a customer request.

And the customer is always right ammiccante

Thanks for your help
In reply to Marco Marino

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Tiffany Morgan -
For what it is worth. I have been looking to do the same thing, Massimo.
In reply to Tiffany Morgan

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Marco Marino -
I Tiffany

I know that this action (remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?') it's possible because I found Moodle platforms where this block was not present.

I keep searching for other alternatives, if I find a solution I will write in the forum

Good luck to you
In reply to Marco Marino

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Howard Miller -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
Have a look at login/index_form.html, round about line 105. You can just edit that bit out.

Job done.
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Marco Marino -
Thanks Howard

I will try this solution as soon as possibile
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Marco Marino -
Hi Horward
it works grande sorriso

the result can be seen in the attached file

thank you very much

Another question
with what program you open the file login/index_form.html
I ask because I use Smultron and my file login/index_form.html is over 105 line

To get the result I commented line 63
Attachment risultato.jpg
In reply to Marco Marino

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Howard Miller -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
Mmm.. I used 'vim' and the very latest 1.9 STABLE. A line's a line - it shouldn't matter what editor you use.

You fixed it... that's the main thingsmile
In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Isaac Manu -

Do I comment that line or delete it?

Can someone paste a copy of that line to be deleted or commented out so  message is removed?


In reply to Isaac Manu

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Boris Puhanic -

 <div class="forgetpass"><!--  <a href="forgot_password.php"><?php print_string("forgotten") ?></a>  --></div>

Just add the red bits.

In reply to Boris Puhanic

Re: Login page, remove/delete/disable 'Forgotten your username or password?'

by Isaac Manu -

Thank you.

That fixed it.