alphabetising the grader report

alphabetising the grader report

por steve picton -
Número de respuestas: 1

hello all, wondered if anyone could help, we have just moved to a holistic assessment approach for OCR national diplomas. This means that we have a number of topics that will meet requirements for a range of different units (for example in topic one we have tasks that will meet Assessment objectives in 4 seperate units, the same in topic two and so on). What i really need is, when i view the report, to see the tasks grouped together from the topics so we can see how the student is progressing in each unit (i.e unit twenty tasks will be gathered together etc).

in the vain hope that this would help i have labelled the tasks according to their unit and assesment objective (e.g. '20AO1, 20AO2, 19AO1, 19AO2' etc to try and make it easier to alphebetise), also because we will be using the criteria reference block so students can see their progress.

I am not sure i am being very clear (bear of very little brain) but would really welcome any ideas.

thank you in advance


En respuesta a steve picton

Re: alphabetising the grader report

por Elena Ivanova -
Hi Steve,
If you will go to the Categories and Items interface in the gradebook, notice the up/down arrows to the right of the grade items.
By using them, you can put your grades in any order you want.
You can also create sub-categories and put grade items there for easier visual representation.