Range collumn in Gradebook

Range collumn in Gradebook

Ângelo Rigo -

I just would like the range collumn not to be seen for the students in the user grade report, is there any way to do it ?

When editing grades preferences in the Grader report preferences, choosing My preferences tab and setting any of the options settings for the Show Range item, does not have any effect!

After Saving Changes, the user alway see the range in the user grade report even if NO was the choice.

I open an issue on tracker http://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-22768

Looking at grade/report/user/lib.php the showrange property of the grade_report_user method is set to true and is not reading from grade_get_setting function as the othwer properties are doing ?

Is there any fix ? it is a know issue ?

Thank's in advance for any help
回复Ângelo Rigo

Re: Range collumn in Gradebook

Bob Puffer -
The issue of getting rid of range display in the User report was the start of a long haul into gradebook coding pergatory. The CLAMP LAEuser report allows you to display or hide different columns for the user without otherwise affecting any grades stored in the Moodle tables. In about a week the new release of CLAMP's LAE will be available at the CLAMP website, containing the LAEuser and LAEgrader report plugins. The report plugins will likely be posted separately here also.
回复Bob Puffer

Re: Range collumn in Gradebook

Ângelo Rigo -

we would like to show a range of 0-10 and not 0-100, we need to assign grades usign decimals like 5.0, 5.1, 5,2 and so on...

Is there a way to do it ?

Thank's in advance
回复Ângelo Rigo

Re: Range collumn in Gradebook

Elena Ivanova -
Hi Angelo,
If your grade item is out of 10 points maximum, then the range will indeed show up as 0-10.
Double-check Settings area of the gradebook though. May be you want to set Grade Display Type to Real, and not to Percentage.

You can type decimal points in the Grader report. Go there, click Turn Editing on and type your decimal grades as needed. Click Update once done.

回复Elena Ivanova

Re: Range collumn in Gradebook

Ângelo Rigo -
Hi Elena

Typing the decimals points really works.

I create a course with one assignment with a maximum grade of ten and it is ok.

Only the course total was showing 0-100

Looking in Grades-> Categories and items -> Full View and typing 10.0 in max grade item correct the course total to 0-10

Thank's in advance