Can teacher limit the group size?

Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Monica Franz -
Anzahl Antworten: 8

We're using Moodle 1.9.3. without Grouping.

How can a teacher set a group size for groups, without changing the group enrolment key, when the group is "filled"?

Als Antwort auf Monica Franz

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Kevin Freeborn -
I am interested in this as well. We use enrolment keys to separate groups but need to limit the number of students that can enrol in a group.
Als Antwort auf Kevin Freeborn

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Kevin Freeborn -
For example:
  • we have a client that wants to have their 30 students enrol in a group ABC company
  • we have another client, XYZ company, that wants room for 15 students
I can create a group for each company, but have no way to set a limit of students for each group.
Als Antwort auf Kevin Freeborn

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Paul Drayton -
I have the same requirements for bulk purchases using enrolments keys. I have to limit the group to the number of courses bought.

Consider this a bump....lächelnd
Als Antwort auf Paul Drayton

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Teresa Gibbison -
Hi all

This is not a current feature but I have found a Tracker Issue MDL-13962 which looks like what you're after. I suggest you vote for this issue and/or download the patch and test it in a development environment. It does look like it may be included in future releases, based on comments at the bottom of the issue lächelnd

I hope this helps
Als Antwort auf Teresa Gibbison

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Micky Fokken -

anyone tried the plugin per the above tracker?  We are selling access to online training and need to limit the size of a group to reflect the number of licenses they purchased.

Als Antwort auf Micky Fokken

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Mary Cooch -
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That plugin that Teresa mentions seems to me to be an earlier version of the group choice module which is available for Moodle 2.0

I tried it out to make the video and it seems good

Als Antwort auf Mary Cooch

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Sebastian Wz -

That plugin doesn't help when you don't want people to actually pick or even create their own groups, for example because they're not supposed to see how many other groups exist and how they're called. This is an obvious privacy issue when you're selling courses.

I was rather surprised that it's still not a core feature to simply limit the size of groups, so you can just set a group enrolment key and give it to students, customers etc. who then receive an error notification when the alloted number of enrolments has been reached.

What I (and many others I guess) want is to have people click on a course on the main page, see one single input box for their enrolment key, enter the one they've been given and then, depending on the key, be put in a specific group which has its own size limit.

It would also be great to have a specific enrolment duration coming with that key, but then this can only be done as an individual enrolment plugin instance, which then results in several input boxes giving away unwanted details through their number / names.

See this thread for a similar problem:

The tracker issue for group size limits (MDL-29577) hasn't been touched in a while, so everyone who'd like to see this implemented as a core feature should vote for it.

If anyone knows an up-to-date plugin that does the job (without letting students select their own groups within the course) I'd be happy to take a look ;)

best regards


Als Antwort auf Sebastian Wz

Re: Can teacher limit the group size?

wót Stefan Meier -

that tracker issue seems promising and it looks like it has partly been resolved.

I'm not really keen on fiddling with the database manually.