Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

von Bo Clarke -
Anzahl Antworten: 7

Let me start off by saying I am somewhat of a Moodle novice still...

I have created several grade categories and when you do this initially you can choose the Aggregation method you wish (i.e. Simple weighted mean of grades, etc.), however if I go in and try to change it the option "Aggregation" is no longer there.  I am an admin for Moodle at my college and checked in the Site Admin Grades menu and there is nothing being "forced", so I am not sure why I am not able to change this when I edit.

Any help would certainly be appreciated

Als Antwort auf Bo Clarke

Re: Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

von Elena Ivanova -
Hi Bo,
In your Site Administration > Grades > General settings> Available aggregation types - are all of them selected (highlighted)?

Or do you mean that you do not even see a column for Aggregation in Categories and Items interface on the level of the course?
Anhang 01Scr_Feb._11_09.36.jpg
Als Antwort auf Elena Ivanova

Re: Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

von Bo Clarke -

On the level of the course:

This is what I see when I add a new category


When I go back to change the Aggregation the option is gone:


I know our faculty will want to be able to change this, and I'm sure you should be able to, but for some reason I can't.
Als Antwort auf Bo Clarke

Re: Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

von Elena Ivanova -
You embedded the images from your password-protected environment. We cannot see them lächelnd
You can use Attachment /browse instead below the post to attache a screenshot.
Als Antwort auf Elena Ivanova

Re: Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

von Bo Clarke -
I think I figured it out.  If you create a formula it looks like that "overrides" the weighting and won't let you even see the aggregation option.  Which makes sense, if you use a formula to calculate why would you need the aggregation?
Als Antwort auf Bo Clarke

Re: Can't Change Aggregate in Moodle 1.9.7 in Gradebook Categories

von Elena Ivanova -
glad to hear that!
I was trying to replicate the situation and I could not. We have turned the calculations off, so I always forget about them lächelnd