Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Worth Bishop -
Number of replies: 6
This bug ( or something very similar appears to be impacting our new installation.

We are using HTTPS for logins. This works as intended.

However, editing anything in a profile page fails to work. As in the bug cited above, Internet Explorer "pops up a box saying that the page contains both secure/unsecure items" and while one can get past this to the profile page, nothing edited on the screen is stored. Once Update Profile is clicked, the page just times out.

Further, users not logged in, but attempting to reset their passwords via the login/forgot_password.php page can enter their information, click Ok and again, the page times out.

I've searched forums, bug reports & Googled the world, and have found a number of references to similar symptoms, but have found nothing approaching a solution. I've also review the user/edit.php source to see whether any of the previously reported offending code could still be in evidence but have not seen any.

FWIW, we're running:

Moodle 1.9.7+ (Build: 20091216)
PHP Version 5.3.1 (With eAccelerator v0.9.6-rc1 & Suhosin v0.9.29)
PostgreSQL 8.4.1 (on a dedicated server)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

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In reply to Worth Bishop

Re: Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Worth Bishop -
Further information...

Running the site in full https mode (i.e., similarly prevents profile pages from being updated.

This system is integrated with an LDAP server, but is set up so that Moodle users cannot edit LDAP entries.

Any ideas?

In reply to Worth Bishop

Re: Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Mauno Korpelainen -

Sounds like the recent "partly fixed"

In reply to Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Worth Bishop -
Thanks for the thought, Mauno.

Assuming the patches re: MDL-21168 have been committed to cvs, I updated the code (we're now running Moodle 1.9.7+ (Build: 20100113)) but no joy.

It doesn't seem to matter whether we are attempting to update text in the profile (i.e., description), add a photo, change a password, or anything else. Just cannot do it when the https login is engaged.

I'm going into full-debug mode now in hopes of figuring this out. Any suggestions as to places I might look first would be greatly appreciated!

In reply to Worth Bishop

Re: Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Worth Bishop -
Well, of course, debug mode doesn't help much. The page times out and so no messages are displayed.

Combing through the apache logs for the site, both normal and ssl, doesn't offer a clue either.

What stumps me here is that, if this is a bug or other problem with Moodle, wouldn't other people using https for login be reporting problems also?

Is there some way to mis-configure the system or otherwise screw things up here that might explain why this is occurring?

As always, any help is much appreciated...
In reply to Worth Bishop

Re: Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Worth Bishop -
Ok, ran unit tests. Got below, which doesn't seem to help (only listed failures here.)

Unit tests all (thorough)

24/24 test cases complete: 4573 passes, 10 fails and 6827 exceptions.

Fail: lib/grade/simpletest/testgradeitem.php / ► grade_item_test / ► test_grade_item_compute / ►
Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 100] differs from [String: 140.00000] by 40 at [moodle/lib/grade/simpletest/testgradeitem.php line 504]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php / ► moodlelib_test / ► test_usergetdate / ►
Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 22] differs from [Integer: 11] by 11 at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php line 289]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php / ► moodlelib_test / ► test_usergetdate / ►
Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 22] differs from [Integer: 23] by 1 at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php line 290]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php / ► moodlelib_test / ► test_usergetdate / ►
Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 2] differs from [Integer: 3] by 1 at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php line 291]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php / ► moodlelib_test / ► test_usergetdate / ►
Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 355] differs from [Integer: 356] by 1 at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php line 294]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php / ► moodlelib_test / ► test_usergetdate / ►
Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [Tuesday] and [Wednesday] at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testmoodlelib.php line 295]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testweblib.php / ► web_test / ► test_convert_urls_into_links / ►
Testing text: escaped anchor tag &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;: Equal expectation fails at character 30 with [escaped anchor tag &lt;a href=&quot;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&quot;&gt;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&lt;/a&gt;] and [escaped anchor tag &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;] at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testweblib.php line 212]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testweblib.php / ► web_test / ► test_convert_urls_into_links / ►
Testing text: fully escaped img tag &lt;img src=&quot;; /&gt;: Equal expectation fails at character 34 with [fully escaped img tag &lt;img src=&quot;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>; /&gt;] and [fully escaped img tag &lt;img src="" /&gt;] at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testweblib.php line 212]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testweblib.php / ► web_test / ► test_convert_urls_into_links / ►
Testing text: var url = "";: Equal expectation fails at character 11 with [var url = "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>";] and [var url = "";] at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testweblib.php line 212]

Fail: lib/simpletest/testweblib.php / ► web_test / ► test_convert_urls_into_links / ►
Testing text: var url = "";: Equal expectation fails at character 11 with [var url = "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>";] and [var url = "";] at [moodle/lib/simpletest/testweblib.php line 212]

In reply to Worth Bishop

Re: Internet Explorer cannot load 'Edit Profile' page #MDL-10296 revisited.

by Worth Bishop -

The problem was, in fact, not with Moodle, but with an issue with the SSL configuration. For others who might need this, here's the story:

This site is setup on a dedicated server, but in "user land" - that is, without root level access to files, ports, etc. The ssl configuration (in this version of Apache, defined in httpd-ssl.conf, and included by reference in httpd.conf) was initially set up according to patterns illustrated on several "how to" sites as follows (comments omitted for brevity):

SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 512
SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512

Listen 8443

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl

SSLSessionCache "shmcb:/httpd/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"
SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300

SSLMutex "file:/httpd/logs/ssl_mutex"

NameVirtualHost *:8443

<VirtualHost *:8443>

DocumentRoot "/httpd/htdocs/moodle"
ErrorLog "/httpd/logs/error_ssl_log"
TransferLog "/httpd/logs/moodle_ssl_log"

SSLEngine on


SSLCertificateFile "/httpd/conf/server.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "/httpd/conf/server.key"

<FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

<Directory "/httpd/cgi-bin">
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" \
nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

CustomLog "/httpd/logs/ssl_request_log" \
"%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"


Port 443 was redirected to port 8443 so that browsers looking for would bring up the right page, as would the same URL without the :443.

However, the line:


resulted in the profile edit page timing out - it was finally noticed that when the Timed Out message was returned, the address in the browser had changed from:

Editing the line above to:


and restarting Apache solved the problem.

Thanks again, Mauno, for your response and sorry for raising a question with regard to the previous bug...